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Week No 26 | 26/06/2020


Covid or dietary guidelines – which kills more?

It might feel like the world is fragmenting. The curved ball thrown at our planet’s dominant species at a time when upheavals were either in bloom or were simmering just beneath the surface created a perfect storm. When so many had already handed over the reins that control their lives to governments and their agencies, it’s no surprise great applause was given to their masters in recognition of their decision to close down society to keep us protected. But probably an equal number of us have challenged the logic, the scientific basis or the timeliness of these decisions, the effects of which will last years and affect some for a lifetime.

Amidst this quagmire of information and disinformation – we have been doing our best to cut a swathe through to the evidence we think is most relevant to those of us who have chosen to manage our health as far as possible by natural means, and sustainably. Choosing to provide our bodies, minds and spirits with the information and resources required to facilitate the optimum function of the multitude of interconnected systems that do their best to continually seek to find, within our genetic and environmental limits, perfect equilibrium.

We’ve seen in recent years not only more and more young people accessing information on our website (currently our analytics show that 18- to 30-year-olds top the age group rankings), we’ve also seen the growing popularity of video. Here we must thank Charlie Jones as our first in-house multimedia specialist, and then Ellen Schouwenaars who has been with us for 18 months on an internship which comes to an end today, for helping to set us firmly on this multimedia road. As a reflection of her valuable contribution, we’ve replaced her this week with two people. Mike Abbott and Ismail Faryad both joined us on Monday, each coming with extensive experience in motion graphics and online broadcasting. With their legs barely under the desk – this week’s coronacast focuses on how many are really dying, infection rates, vaccines and natural therapeutics, and has been post-produced by Mike and Ismail. This is just the beginning of what we hope evolves into a full-blown media unit for ANH, such is the need for us to communicate information to diverse audiences in many countries that helps contribute to the critically-needed transformation in how humans manage their health.

Our second piece picks up on the ongoing battle to redress over 30 years of misinformation about dietary fats and health. Perversely, while governments ostensibly try to save lives with their Covid policies, their dietary guidance that has run in parallel to the industrialisation of the human food supply, has created populations that have been made much more susceptible to serious disease and death from SARS-CoV-2. 

Please continue to help share our information as widely as possible, and thank you to those of you who responded to our call for volunteer support. Your donations (see link at base of this newsletter) are our lifeblood and are hugely appreciated, however large or small.

In health, naturally and sustainably


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive and scientific director


Coronacast 6: How many are really dying?


Rob Verkerk PhD provides an update on the Covid pandemic. Deaths and infection rates, UK's lockdown relaxation, vaccines, the virus' origins and how government's have failed to get behind a cheap and simple preventative that could save lives.


Time to demonise low fat instead of sat fat?


There is no longer a scientific basis to vilify saturated fat. What will it take for governments to change their minds?


News Alerts: Week 26, 2020


Alzheimer’s disease and lifestyle; CBD regulation & safety; UK – GM by the backdoor?; Paul McCartney joins calls for meat-free school meals; Lab grown breastmilk


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)