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Week No 11 | 18/03/2022


Did Montagnier get it right about HIV in SARS-CoV-2?

This week we dissect two incredibly important but nonetheless controversial subjects.

The first explores the notion that the virus that held the world’s attention and contributed to significant loss of life over the last two years, might have, engineered within it, specific fragments of genetic code from HIV to make it more infectious and dangerous. This was an idea posed by the recently deceased co-discoverer of HIV, Prof Luc Montagnier. I wish I could have communicated my exploration in 600 words, but it took 4,500 and 45 references, mainly to the peer reviewed literature to get there.

The second piece deals with how, what and when to eat. In fact, it might be the closest thing you’ll see us do to a promo, because it includes a video of Mel, Melissa and I voicing over an in-house video introduction to our new book, RESET EATING. The 208-page, large format, heavily illustrated book, packed with recipes, shares the knowledge and experience gained by the three of us over decades. The approach to food we advocate changed our lives — and we hope it can do the same for you!

Please share these two pieces widely. Thank you.    

We’ve also consolidated all of our news, non-covid and covid alike, into a single piece to make it accessible and help us all broaden our horizons away from being so covid-focused.

It was fabulous seeing so many of you on our open Pathfinder’s Q&A yesterday and we will continue to put our intention towards hoping for a positive outcome in Ukraine.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Feature: Exploring the links between SARS-CoV-2, covid ‘vaccines’, HIV and immune deficiency


ANH founder Rob Verkerk PhD counterposes the views of a Nobel laureate with the scientific mainstream and raises questions over a major conspiracy


Are you ready to RESET your life?


What our readers have said about our brand new book RESET EATING in advance of its official launch on the 28th March!


Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 11/2022)


Earthworms v artificial fertilisers; Microwave radiation symptoms caused by 5G; Vegetables and fruit on prescription; Agricultural nirvana or nightmare?; UK GMO safeguards under threat; Covid Corner


Thank you for your support. Without you we could not exist!

You can support our work by becoming a Pathfinder member, buying a copy of our new book, RESET EATING, buying some great ANH Merch or making a donation using the link below.


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)