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Week No 38 | 22/09/2021


Getting some perspective on whole system health

Perspective is one of the many things we haven’t had a lot of in recent times. So this week’s newsletter is all about it. Our health is something we need to both work for and take responsibility for. However much people might think our health is determined by chief medical officers, vaccine companies, pharmacies, supermarkets and even health stores, the reality is that our daily behaviours, decisions and choices generally have a far more important influence on our health than anyone else’s behaviour or decisions. That’s why it’s so important to respect individual choices and informed consent for medical interventions.

This week, we give you our perspective on how you can assess function across the 12 domains of what we call your ‘Ecological Terrain’. We’re also offering protocols that include some of the main ways in which people can help to restore function in any of the domains. They’re like cylinders in an engine – if you’re firing on all 12 cylinders, you’re going to be feeling great, and you’ll massively reduce your risk of serious disease in the future. It’s a unique journey for everyone – but the first step is understanding something about each domain and how your own behaviour can modify function – well before any dysfunction leads to serious, debilitating and irreversible disease.

Our second piece gives you insights and clinical pearls from the first face-to-face medical and scientific conference we’ve attended in 18 months, courtesy of covid-19. It was a pleasure to be part of ‘Mitochondria Day’ hosted by the Biolab Medical Unit in London. Mitochondria, for those who’re not altogether familiar, are the energy-producing organelles within our cells that originated, during the early evolution of animals, from bacteria. They produce the energy we all need for normal – and especially – optimal  function. Many of us suffer sub-optimal mitochondrial function, this underpinning almost all major and common diseases.

Don’t forget to dive into our covid and news updates too — and please share as widely as you can, through whatever media works best for you.

In health, naturally,


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Has your TerRAIN gone off the rails?


ANH founder Rob Verkerk PhD takes us on a journey of ANH’s Ecological Terrain to find better ways of improving whole system health


Mito-consciousness: the key to our survival


Reflecting on Biolab's Mitochondria Day conference


Covid bites (week 38/2021)


A roundup of covid news and information


Weekly news update (week 38, 2021)


Folic acid fortification; ‘Influence Government’; We are what we eat; Over prescription of drugs; European Commission supports gene editing


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)