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Week No 6 | 10/02/2022


Human rights and causation

The Canadian truckers have inspired a movement across the world. Who would have thought it would be truck drivers who would be the ones to pick up the baton on this crucial issue for humanity? Such are the mysteries of natural law and order.  

This is the subject of my lead piece – human rights in the covid era under increasingly corrupt and authoritarian regimes. We see many in the movement running towards natural law in the hope that it will provide sanctuary from the madness. As you’ll see, I don’t agree, except when using natural law as a weathervane for the events around us.

Our next piece picks up last Saturday’s inaugural World Health Council conference on causation of injury or disease following administration of genetic ‘vaccines’, at which I was a speaker. There are generous lashings of gold dust to be found by the international experts comprised of lawyers, doctors and scientists, and my team has pulled out my presentation from the around 7 hours of rich content.

There are rich pickings as ever in our dense covid news unwrapped and natural news segments, both of which many find to be essential reading in this highly censored world.

It takes very long hours from our small, dedicated and over-stretched team to produce our weekly newsletters. And this is just a small part of our overall work on helping to build new health systems. We’re not far away from launching a new office in Europe too. We would be incredibly grateful for donations of any amount to support our work and help grow our team. If you’re not already a member, you can join as an ANH Pathfinder – and we also have some ANH merchandise that can make great gifts for your loved ones and friends.

In solidarity and health, naturally, for the mission that lies ahead,


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


The big battle ahead: human rights


ANH founder Rob Verkerk investigates the human rights battle ahead, as well as the pitfalls of relying on natural law


Understanding vaccine causation


This groundbreaking conference united experts from around the world, including Rob Verkerk PhD, to explore a key question: How are jab adverse events proved?


Covid News Unwrapped (week 06/2022)


Our curated roundup of global covid news and information


Natural News Roundup (week 06/2022)


Vitamin C and cancer; Calls for harmonisation of botanicals in EU; When is the menopause, not the menopause?; Chronic disease increases dementia risk; Exercise & type 2 diabetes; Antibiotics increase cancer risk; Junk food marketing


Your support means we can continue our work to protect our rights and freedoms to choose how we maintain our health

All donations are very welcome, whatever their size. Thank you!


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