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Week No 20 | 14/05/2020


Never have so few controlled so many

We’re properly over the first wave now, yet humanity is groaning as many economies have yet to be rebooted. The reasoning behind the decisions that took the UK, most of Europe, the US and many other countries into complete lockdown has been widely challenged. Equally, it’s also been widely supported and there have been generally high levels of compliance. There is perhaps a growing divide between these camps and much of that’s got to do with how much we trust our leaders and their advisors.

We’re being conditioned to accept a ‘new normal’ – but it’s not yet clear how this might look. As we unearth where much of the thinking comes from, we become ever more concerned about a future that is decided by a relatively small, seemingly incestuous group who don’t necessarily have the public’s best interests at heart.

This week, I’ve expressed some of my main concerns in a video. I’m asking that we stop being passive recipients of the diktats of our governments and we start to think critically about what this all means, how our fundamental freedoms are affected, what other options should be available to us, where the sources of data on which decisions are made originate, and so much more. If we’re not concerned, I’d suggest we’re probably asleep on the job.

We also bring you some views from the most intense battlefront of Covid-19 – critical care facilities around the world. We’ve found just 12 relevant studies or reports and we recognise there are big differences and gaps in the data. But crucially the doctors getting the best results are being stonewalled by health authorities. We need to ask why.

I cannot think of a time, at least in my lifetime, when it’s been more important for us to assert our democratic, natural and fundamental rights. And to do this we must first better understand what is going on, and read between the lines of the propaganda we’re being fed daily through the newswires.

Given the extreme censorship we all face, we implore you to do what you can to share our stories and videos. We thank you for what you’ve been doing – and we’re especially grateful for donations that are our only source of funding - it all makes a big difference to what we can do. People of influence are beginning to listen. From our small team here at ANH Intl, we thank you for your efforts so far.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Never have so few controlled the lives of so many


Video: Rob Verkerk PhD expresses deep concerns over incestuous circle that controls global Covid strategy


Why is success in critical care being ignored?


Exploring the limited data from critical care around the world suggests so much more could be done to save lives


News Alerts: Week 20, 2020


ASA attacks natural health again!; Big Tech is untrustworthy; Fresh air reduces coronavirus spread; Canadian smart community fails; EFSA pesticide studies bomb; Are lockdowns improving our diet?; Call to ban marketing claims on infant formula


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Large or small, every donation really makes a difference and allows us to keep supporting you. Together we are stronger. Together we create the world we want to live in.


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