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Week No 15 | 14/04/2023


New era and NAC

It's lovely to be back after our recent trip, if a little damp as spring in the UK tries its best to win through the very tenacious April showers! Spring is such a wonderful time to be reminded about the potent power of regeneration, the circularity of seasons, and even organisations, and how new growth and comfort zones in life don't generally have much in common.

Our lead article this week ushers in a new era for growth in the ANH group, as Rob Verkerk, who founded and has led the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health since its beginning in 2002, now extends his leadership across the pond to ANH-USA.

Both Rob and I have worked very closely with Gretchen DuBeau since she become executive and legal director of ANH-USA's predecessor, the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), in 2008. The AAHF changed its name to Alliance for Natural Health USA in 2009, and has been at the forefront of defending the right to natural health and freedom of choice in America ever since. This week, Gretchen has passed the baton to Rob, who's wasted not a minute starting the process of ensuring we make a bigger impact by more closely integrating strategy and function among our wonderful, highly motivated teams.

Our second piece on NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) illustrates why a more integrated international strategy is so necessary now to protect our most effective supplements from being poached and ring-fenced by Pharma. If you forget what NAC can be used for, Rob suggests it can be used for 'Nearly All Conditions' 😄.

Dive into our News beat for more on how a few tech tweaks could potentially make mobiles safer; plans to extend the mRNA jab platform to a range of other diseases; homeopathy wins for cancer treatment side effects and much more.

Looking forward to seeing our Pathfinder Members next Thursday 20th April at our monthly Q&A and please check out our calendar for more upcoming events.

Wishing you all a week of deep regeneration and positive growth.

In health, naturally


Meleni Aldridge

Executive Coordinator


Rob Verkerk to lead ANH both sides of the Atlantic


With challenges to natural health and freedom mounting in the USA, the UK and Europe, ANH USA and International teams consolidate, with Verkerk as leader


Regulatory limbo: the case of NAC


The more effective a natural product, the greater the risk if it sits in an uncertain, regulatory ‘no man’s land’


ANH News Beat (week 15/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 15/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences and available courses


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