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Week No 19 | 07/05/2020


Numbers and transparency, you C

Please read on – as there is a very important call to action below – that we’re counting on you to help make happen.

What a week! Curves are flattening, the wave is subsiding, some lockdowns are easing and censorship on online platforms has hit new heights in the supposedly ‘free world’. The level of desperation in the attempts by social media giants to try to cull extracts of the Plandemic Movie featuring Judy Mikovits PhD is particularly telling. It begs the question: why so desperate in countries that long valued free speech?

This week I take you on a tour of 3 different kinds of number that we hear about daily on mainstream news reports that are crucial to forming our views, attitudes, behaviour – and government policy. You’ll see they’re shaky at best – and can be deeply misleading. As a result of government action on dodgy numbers, we can only wildly guess at what the true cost – direct and indirect – will eventually be to human health, to societies, to economies.

We then offer you some deeper insights into the multi-faceted nature of vitamin C, which is now beginning to be taken seriously by some mainstream medics as a weapon against Covid-19. We’ve got a video interview with UK health writer and journalist, Jerome Burne, and a video to help get the word out about this humble vitamin’s heroic, unpatented potential.

We’ve been blown out by the response to our open letter sent last week to UK Health Secretary, Matt Hancock. Except of course from Matt Hancock himself from whom we’ve received an expected stony silence. We’ll nudge him shortly. But in the meantime, as you’ll see in our third item, it’s time to take vaccine transparency to our politicians and send the campaign international – and viral (pun intended). So far, we already have a couple of big name politicians in the UK who’ve said they want to see this tabled in Parliament. We need to make much more noise to make sure this happens and has enough support. Given it’s a global issue, please help get this to contacts around the world and make this go international.

We’re looking for all the help you can give this – bearing in mind the limitations we all have with censorship on online platforms. So please do your best to post like fury – repeatedly if you find posts being deleted by the platform.

We’ve also got our latest weekly update on our Covid Zone and our weekly news update.

We’re counting on you – thank you.

P.S. Any donations, whatever the amount, are urgently needed and will be very gratefully received to help us expand our capability, impact and reach. Thank you.


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Three numbers that may mislead


What does or doesn’t lie behind the Ferguson’s model, R numbers and mortality data?


Humble, heroic, multi-faceted vitamin C


Why there’s never been a better time to use this 4-in-1, unpatented natural agent


Call to action – help create the new vaccine narrative


Help vaccine developers and governments to understand why vaccine transparency is a necessity if they want to deal with vaccine hesitancy


News Alerts: Week 19, 2020


Healthcare fraud & Covid-19; AYUSH promotes research into natural covid remedies; Cycling boom; Statins & type 2 diabetes; NHS, vitamin D and BAME


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A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)