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Week No 25 | 22/06/2023


Preface to PFAS

If you haven’t yet heard the term PFAS (generally pronounced pee-fass), you will hear lots more about it in the coming months and years. Our lead story this week tells you why. We’re shooting this one across your bow waves a few days in advance of us launching a big campaign in the US next week - as part of a concerted effort to get the US food and drug regulator, the FDA, to wake up, and smell, not the roses, but the chemicals. This is almost certainly the biggest chemical tragedy of our time - and it has huge implications for humans and nature given the omnipresence of these nasty, intractable, cancer-causing, immune-damaging, fertility-impacting, birth defect-causing, molecules.

Then - one of the most confused, important and twisted areas of health: indigestion, acid-base balance, antacids, and the huge downsides of PPI drugs. Meleni shares with you clinical wisdom, backed by science.

More evidence that natural health has the answers, as is so often the case.

Catch up on all our other news - and we ask that you share our news, information and campaigns widely. You’re our best workaround for the shadow band. We joined Russell Brand, US investigative journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger (of Public News) at an event last night in London as they expose the censorship agenda via the 'Censorship Industrial Complex'. We’ll update you on what we learned in due course.

In health, naturally,


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive and scientific director


PFAS: The unfolding chemical disaster


Why PFAS may be the single biggest chemical threat to human health that so few have even heard about – courtesy of tobacco tactics


Stomach on fire? Living on PPIs or antacids?


It might not be because you have too much stomach acid... Find out why controlling heartburn and acid reflux with drugs may be putting your health at risk - and what you can do about it


Tribute to Michael Stroka - a powerhouse of the nutrition ecosystem


It's with great sadness that we say goodbye to yet another good friend and announce the untimely passing of Michael Stroka, CEO of the American Nutrition Association.


ANH News Beat (week 25/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 25/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences and available courses


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