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Week No 33 | 16/08/2023


Quantum shifts, anti-ageing and camping out

Wow! Within a week or so of breathing fresh air from the Alps, trekking, and climbing mountains on human-powered two wheels – it’s great to be back in the driving seat of ANH – refreshed for another intense year!

I can verify that the inner ear, the round window of which I blew while cycling following free diving almost exactly a year ago, is fully recovered. Thank you Omega3s, curcuminoids, peptides, nucleotides, homeopathy, energy medicine, and more – these being among the elements of the natural medicine cabinet I threw at my injury. Proof – at least in my mind – that I could recover fully, against the odds offered to me by the mainstream medical system that initially attended to the injury.   

As we navigate ever deeper into the phenomenal potential of natural health, you won’t want to miss the second episode of Meleni’s August Acceleration series. There you’ll find the mind- and heart-opening interview with energy medicine practitioner and coach, Sam Cooper. Concepts like “seeing the light” and “being the light” will take on a whole new meaning as Sam and Meleni explore biophotons, light frequencies and the morphogenetic field.

Next is Para and my feature on nucleotides – not just NMN – but dietary nucleotides as in offal meats and fermented foods, that are increasingly being shown to have profound effects on reducing telomere shortening, making them among the very few molecules known to induce genuine, anti-ageing effects.

For me, Campout 2023, from which we’ve just returned last Sunday night, was an opportunity to share ideas and strategy with many likeminded folk, including a good gaggle of ANH Pathfinder members! What a treat to meet more of you! While we managed only 3 of the 4 days, such is our workload, much progress was made in uniting views towards a clearer vision of a better path for humanity, one that remains inexorably linked to the natural world.

Dive into our news and events too, the latter including the new courses we’ll be releasing starting next month, as part of the ANH Health Creation Faculty running in conjunction with the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) in the USA. You’ll find a discount code that’s live until August 18.

Wishing you the best of health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


August Acceleration Series – Episode Two: Bio-energetic healing — releasing the emotions that bind and freeing your potential


Join Meleni for a lively, life-changing, discussion with natural health and wellbeing coach, Sam Cooper


FEATURE: Nucleotides – the next frontier for anti-ageing?


Emerging science is revealing the crucial role played by nucleotides in slowing the ageing process through their action on telomeres.


Igniting a new, much brighter future at Campout 2023


Members of the ANH team joined this year’s Campout event co-organised by Dan Astin-Gregory for four days of co-creation, inspiration, transformation and celebration.


ANH News Beat (week 33/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 33/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences and available courses


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There's a multitude of ways to help us in our mission from buying a copy of our book Reset Eating or some ANH Merch! to making a one off donation or becoming an ANH Pathfinder Member.


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

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