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Week No 8 | 22/02/2024


Special delivery for women and men of a certain age

Our apologies if you received an email without links, we've had gremlins in the system, but hopefully this is arriving as intended!

History in the making: ANH is almost 22 years old and we’ve never—prior to this week—issued a newsletter with two features! So please, dive in, take on board what you can so it might help transform your health or life, and share it with those you love and others in your networks.

Meleni’s lead feature shines a spotlight onto a condition more and more women over-40 are complaining of, one that seems to be escaping the attention of mainstream medics: women refer to as ‘menopause brain’. Find out if it's real or imaginary, why it shouldn’t be feared—and what can be done about it—naturally, of course.

In our second feature this week, I introduce the topic that we’re addressing at this week’s International College of Integrative Medicine’s conference, this year in New Orleans: ‘inflammaging’ (= age-related, low-grade inflammation). It’s the silent precursor to almost all the health challenges that now threaten to collapse healthcare systems around the world, yet it’s still widely ignored by the mainstream. You’ve got it, Big Pharma reckons there’s just too much money involved in treating symptoms to warrant reversing inflammaging.

In our news this week, you’ll find out about the latest biotech delight that’s in the pipeline: beef rice. Yes, rice that’s bioengineered to produce meat and fat inside it. Yum! And we have a podcast for you too: leading US integrative medicine physician Dr Ron Hoffman interviewed me last week on his Intelligent Medicine podcast.

Wishing you the best of health, naturally—but jazzed-up—New Orleans style…   


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Feature: Is there such a thing as the ‘menopause brain’?


Read on if you're menopausal and think you're losing your mind. Find out why you’re actually not, why your brain, like the rest of your body, is going through an important transition—and what you can do naturally to get back on track


Feature: Inflammaging—when older age, the modern world and our immune systems conspire


On the lead up to the opening of the International College of Integrative Medicine’s Inflammaging conference in New Orleans, Rob Verkerk PhD introduces the subject, and the role of nucleotides and peptides in dealing with this spiralling problem.


Hoffman & Verkerk dialogue on how to safeguard and protect natural health


Rob Verkerk PhD joins leading US integrative medicine physician Dr Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast to talk about the latest threats to natural health and what can be done to counter them


ANH News Beat (week 08/2024)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week - French attack on medical freedom continues; Rob Verkerk PhD chats to Ron Hoffman MD; Water fluoridation; Google and prebunking plus much more...


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 08/2024)


Upcoming events, conferences, available courses and replays


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Alliance for Natural Health International
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