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Week No 37 | 10/09/2020


Tell Boris and Matt what you think

The clock is ticking. Brits have got just over a week to send their responses via an online consultation form that is gathering public and vaccine industry opinions over the biggest changes to UK medicines law in over half a century. The changes are a double act that aims to on-board EU laws as part of the Brexit legislative reform while also giving Boris Johnson and his government the chance to rollout the biggest mass vaccination programme in British history. Based on, in our view, faulty premises.

To help our supporters and others with their own responses, we’ve put our draft response up on our website. We’ve made a video that we’d dearly love you to share with as many people as you can – to help get as many responses as possible from British citizens and residents. It’s very, very important that our democratic voice is heard, in a society in which almost every day appears to see some additional freedom being lost. Please, please, please invest a little time in the next few days to get this out as far and wide as you can. As we say in the video – have your say now, don’t regret it later.

We’ve got two other pieces for you this week. One that looks at the apparent good news in pandemic trends based on our latest analysis of cases, deaths and testing. The other that highlights the profiteering that’s occurring, courtesy of a handful of very prominent billionaires, on the back of the ‘casedemic’.

Then there’s also our covid and news updates.

One last reminder: Please help get the word out to as many British citizens and residents as you can about the UK Covid-19 and flu vaccines consultation. Let’s make sure Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock hear our united voices.

In health and freedom,


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive and scientific director


UK law changes for COVID-19 mass vaccination


Have your say on changes to UK medicines law planned to herald the greatest vaccination programme in British history


Is there a waning pandemic behind the 'casedemic'



Profiteering from the pandemic


How Covid-19 has made the richest even richer whilst the lives of so many lie in tatters


News Alerts: Week 37, 2020


Vitamin D, vitamin C and covid; Common drugs increase cognitive impairment; Herbal supplement sales soar in US; Australian integrative doctors open letter; Oatly boycott; Online censorship calls strengthen; CRISPR babies too risky


Covid weekly update - Week 37



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