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Week No 51 | 19/12/2019


The decade: It’s a wrap

At political, social, economic and environmental levels, things have got messy this last decade. For our last newsletter of the decade, we bring you some of our most popular highlights of the last decade of our work. We also offer you my ninth blog, in which I aim, amidst these troubled times, to be a little more hopeful for what might happen in the coming decade. Such hope, I believe, is predicated on a very large number of us, including those who sit in government and in the board rooms of some of the biggest companies on the planet, properly recognising the wisdom and power of nature. We must also recognise that the species-specific bubble in which so many live, one that often feels separate from the natural world around and within us, is just an illusion. Once we understand that we are always connected to nature, we can work proactively to enhance this relationship and, in the process, help resolve some of the greatest crises we now face. 

In gratitude for the support you have given or will give to us – so that we might continue our mission to help transform the way healthcare is done. So that we can learn to better work with nature, rather than against it. 

Wishing you the very best for a healthy and happy festive season – and new decade,

In health, naturally and festively


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Wrapping up the decade, naturally


Highlights of some of the most popular moments of the last decade of ANH’s work as a vanguard for natural health


Founder's Blog: The illusion of separation and reality of interconnection


Rob Verkerk helps us understand why we need to reconnect with nature if we’re to resolve our greatest challenges


News Alerts: Week 51, 2019


Lyn Thyer returned to jail; Natural healthcare safe; CBD novel foods; Combat obesity with exercise advice; Ultra-processed foods & diabetes; GM by any other name; Europe urged to include agroecological systems; Antibiotic over-prescription


Your support is needed more than ever as the stakes grow ever higher

We’d be so grateful for any donation you can give to help us to continue our work into the new decade


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Alliance for Natural Health International
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