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Week No 3 | 20/01/2022


The ground that remains within our control

….is enough to effect the change necessary to co-create a better world. That’s what it’s all about this week. Millions are wrestling back control of their lives, many never lost it. But collective consciousness is likely having more impact that many might think. While in the UK, PM Boris Johnson fights to hold the top job, his decision to scrap covid rules in England from next week is heartening and reflects the mood of millions who have become progressively more sceptical of the shift towards increased authoritarianism. Let’s hope the leaders of Austria, Canada, Australia and other nations that have overreached their powers will soon wake up to the will of large sectors of their population.

This week, we bring you:

  • A feature and video (the latter to be released in the next 24 hours) about not one, but the two, 'elephants' that have been sharing the room with us these last two years, that public health authorities, the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry have been largely mute on
  • From our executive coordinator, Meleni, you’ll discover why the mind and spirit – two widely neglected facets of ‘being human’ – hold the key to collective change, if we’re prepared to make the sometimes difficult journey inwards
  • Our two weekly news roundups – covid-related and covid-unrelated.

In a world that has far from relaxed censorship – can we please ask that you share as widely as possible any of our articles, reports or videos that resonate with you? We’re working to improve the sharing function on our web pages. If you don’t see the share buttons down the right side of our web page (it appears to be browser sensitive), can we ask that you to simply copy the URL from your web browser and share the whole link until we have improved the functionality? Thank you.

In health, naturally (of course)


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Feature: The two elephants they want us to ignore


Why we need to switch from being pathogen-centric to terrain- and environment-centric


How your ripple can change collective consciousness and the world around you


Continuing to make the most of the new year clean slate, this week we visit Mind & Spirit, the second & third of our 4 health influence containers


Covid News Unwrapped (week 03/2022)


Our carefully considered, curated roundup of global covid news and information


Natural News Roundup (week 03/2022)


Cancer survivors benefit from supplements; Sweetener consumption in pregnancy; EU set to give CBD novel food status; Dementia rates set to triple; Warning issued on UPFs; Stop fluoridation of UK water


Our thanks and gratitude go out to all who support our work as we approach our 20th birthday

You can make a donation by clicking on the link below, buying a T-shirt or two from our ANH Merch! or joining the ANH-Intl tribe as a Pathfinder member. Thank you!


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)