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Week No 47 | 25/11/2021


The plight of the young

The two interlinked catastrophes of our time – planetary and human health – are given a refreshing perspective in the video we release today that is the fruit of our collaboration with a 17-year-old ANH intern, Jesse Hawkes. Without having to worry about censors – because it seems it’s OK to be critical of the establishment’s handling of the environment – please share the video as widely as you can. Especially among the younger ones among us who desperately need inspiration in these troubled times.

Then we must tell you how the UK populace has lost the fight over the mass medication of the drinking water supply with fluoride. It seems we’re moving ever further away from the goal of personalised medicine and individual empowerment which was – as recently as 6 years ago – seen as the goal in developing more effective ways of managing health. Reverse Osmosis and other systems of filtration that can remove fluoride from our water will do well.

Our Pathfinder members will get to see a reworked presentation of the talks I gave last weekend at the livestreamed Awakening Conference in Devon, UK. Pitifully, the newly renamed UK Health Security Agency (previously Public Health England) shut down the open event and we were forced to livestream from a private location. However from the 250 due to attend the open event, the livestream reached 9.5K viewers and still more watching the recordings. In my 55 minute presentation, I offer my answers to 12 of the biggest questions many are looking for answers to. Culminating in a call to halt the administration of the current crop of genetic ‘vaccines’ to children.  

Our Covid Bites will bite you if you’re not careful – and we’ve got other news for you too.

Please share our information as far and wide as you can. A concerted 5 minutes’ effort sharing our materials this week would be one of the best gifts you could give us while our social media platforms are being so tightly squeezed. And to our American audience: Happy Thanksgiving!

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Unravelling Covid Nonscience


Rob Verkerk revisits his presentation from the Awakening Conference


A 17-year-old’s perspective on human and planetary health


In the wake of COP26, Jesse Hawkes calls on humanity to re-think how we’re tackling our human and planetary health woes


Coming to a tap near you


A decades old debate over tooth decay and water fluoridation is back on the table in the UK


Covid bites (week 47/2021)


A global roundup of covid news and information


News roundup (week 47/2021)


Has plant-based lost its health halo; Treating depression naturally; Obesity & covid


Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for another year of support

Join our ANH Pathfinder members (via the homepage), or we also gratefully accept donations via the 'Donate Now' link below or visit our shop (via the home page on the website) to buy some great ANH merch. Join the tribe, buy the t-shirt and be the change!


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)