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Week No 29 | 17/07/2019


Unshackling ourselves for health freedom

This week we offer you two very personal perspectives from within ANH. One is from me, in an interview aired yesterday with Voice America on the subject of natural health censorship by Big Social Media. The other is from our executive coordinator, Meleni Aldridge, who’s decided it’s time to blog about her recent experiences with the mainstream healthcare system – as well as what could have been.

We also offer you the sixth in our health hacks video series. This one is on intermittent fasting that’s really all about how we should have been eating all along.

In our weekly news round-up, we cover 'Dr Alexa', more evidence about the benefits of eating less and the challenges associated with ultra-processed foods, dementia prevention and the RSA's new report on the need for radical post-Brexit reform of food and farming in the UK.

We urge you to please share our stories and videos as widely as you can. Social media and search engine throttling limits our ability to share – but not yours!

In health, naturally and sustainably



Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Natural health censorship by social media platforms goes into overdrive


ANH founder Rob Verkerk talks with Kristen Harper on Voice America on unprecedented freedom of speech interference


The UK’s NHS: If it’s broke, fix the things that broke it


ANH-Intl’s Meleni Aldridge blogs about her recent journey with the NHS and explains how it could have been as part of a re-imagined, sustainable health system


Health Hack video #6 - Intermittent Fasting


Find out why intermittent fasting slows aging, reduces your disease risk and burns fat whilst you sleep!


News Alerts: Week 29, 2019


The NHS & Alexa; Caloric restriction for health; Ultra-processed food risks; Upstream dementia prevention; UK must shift to sustainable farming


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Alliance for Natural Health International
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