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Week No 24 | 13/06/2024


Weekend lifesavers!

Burning the candles at both ends – including over the last 3 consecutive weekends and the coming one with the Nutrition Network (hope to see some of you there!) – seems to be the way of it at ANH. And we still have to try to walk the talk and practice what we preach about natural health and not wipe ourselves out in the process! So far it seems we’ve found some kind of balance in the imbalance and no one in the team has died or become chronically ill! That might be down to the spades of purpose and meaning that fill our every day….?

The two lead pieces in this week’s newsletter are drawn from recent weekends: the Profound Health Summit at the end of May and last week’s Integrative and Personalised Medicine 2024 Congress (IPM24) in London. It was there that ANH had a stand valiantly stewarded by Melissa, where also Meleni co-chaired the Advanced Practitioner Forum that we jointly organised, and I presented at. 

One of our 4 main remits at ANH is education, the others are campaigns, activism and research, together comprising the acronym CARE. In view of this, we like to offer you potentially life changing information that might not otherwise be easy to access. So we find ourselves distilling some of the information delivered by ourselves and others at the many conferences and events we attend.

This week, you’ll find more information from the ground-breaking Profound Health Summit (with a final part still to come) and fascinating insights on oestrogen (applying to both women and men) from Dr Felice Gersh, one of the 8 speakers (myself included) at this year’s Advanced practitioner Forum at IPM24.

You’ll also find included my interview with Andrija Klaric, a Croatian think-tank founder and media personality, founder and president of the Center for Renewal of Culture and host of the podcast “SLOBODNI” on Z1 Television for which I was interviewed.

Finally - please be aware of the donation link at the base of this newsletter. We are a donation and membership funded non-profit and do everything we do on a limited budget. We are incredibly grateful for any and all donations and memberships that enable you to help us so we can help you. Thank you.

In ravaging health, naturally of course…


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Profound health mavericks in Luton (Part 2 of 3)


This week, Rob Verkerk offers you Part 2 of 3 of insights from the Profound Health Summit, bringing together medical pioneers and mavericks from across the world


Oestrogens — not just for women!


What everyone needs to know about the power of oestradiol for health, immune function and longevity from Dr Felice Gersh at IPM’s recent Advanced Practitioner Forum


Internet censorship kills free speech and thought


Rob Verkerk PhD recently joined Andrija Klaric on the SLOBODNI podcast to discuss the insidious nature of shadowbans, why censorship is killing free speech and why the ANH launched the FreeSpeech4Health campaign


ANH News Beat (week 24/2024)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week glyphosate & gluten-free foods; Decreasing sperm health; Water fluoridation; Taking the bitter out of bitter plants; Update from ANH-USA plus Covid News


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 24/2024)


Upcoming events, conferences, available courses and replays


Your support allows us to walk the talk and continue our work. Thank you!

You can make a one-off donation using the link below, become an ANH Pathfinder member or treat yourself to something from the ANH shop.


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)