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Week No 43 | 27/10/2023


What 'they' don't want us to know

Cancer, may be the name of a disease, but the word itself often feels as if it's been honed to strike fear into the most fearless. It's the one disease that's been turned into a war that we're repeatedly called on to 'fight' rather than working with our bodies to restore balance and function. Those undergoing a conventional cancer journey describe the fear that permeates every aspect — often including pressure to make decisions without full informed consent and not being given sufficient information about any alternative options that might exist. However, it needn't be like that. The recent Beljanski Foundation, 'Winning the War on Cancer' conference, attended by Rob and Meleni, along with members of the ANH-USA team, shone a huge light and showed that there is another way. It was a remarkable 3-day event giving hope to many that there are multiple ways to approach and treat cancer using diverse and natural methods. Our lead article has more.

Our second article shines a light on the recent EU Commission U turn on banning toxic PFAS chemicals. Having started the process to ban these dangerous toxins, the EU now appears to be reneging on its grand plans. All mention of the ban, along with a change to the REACH Regulations is left out of a key document setting out work plans for 2024. No doubt fuelled by pressure from industry lobbyists, working for those that are hanging on tightly to an extremely lucrative revenue stream - rather like the tobacco industry of old.

There are some items in our weekly Natural & Covid News that you won't want to miss, so do earmark some time for a read.

Before you go, if you're a health professional, health coach or fitness professional, then please do check our events page for details of how to book onto the unique Masterclass with Dr Leo Pruimboom, founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology, with Rob Verkerk, on Friday 17th November 2023. We'd love to see you there!

In health, naturally



Melissa Smith

Outreach & Communications Officer


FEATURE: The cancer breakthroughs most never get to hear about


An all-star cast of integrative cancer clinicians came together for the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, to share their life saving knowledge and findings, while ANH-USA receives award


EU’s potential ban on PFAS mothballed?


The European Commission’s work programme for 2024 is ominously light on the progression of promises to ban highly toxic and persistent PFAS chemicals.


ANH News Beat (week 43/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 43/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences, available courses and replays


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