
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • ANH Feature: Europäische Kommission stellt die europäische Öffentlichkeit auf Genmanipulierte (GM) Nahrung ein

    ad NL118 Feature1_de.pdf

    Download (313 KB)
  • Falschinformationen der Biotech-Industrie über Genmanipulation und konventionelle Pflanzenzucht bloßgestellt

    ad NL118 Feature2_de.pdf

    Download (218 KB)
  • ANH-Intl: Hilfe! Europäische Kommission will Gen-manipulierte Nahrung pushen

    Newsletter 108

    Download (308 KB)
  • 5th World Ayurveda Congress & Arogya Expo 2012

    Brochure for the Ayurveda Congress

    Download (2 MB)
  • UK relative risks of death bubble chart

    Bubble chart showing relative risk of death in UK from consuming various substances and performing various activities

    Download (2 MB)
  • UK relative risks of death bar chart

    Bar chart showing the risks of death in the UK of consuming various substances and performing various activities

    Download (85 KB)
  • EU relative risks bubble chart

    Bubble chart showing the risks of death in the EU of consuming various substances and performing various activities

    Download (378 KB)
  • ANH Feature: UK homeopathy’s Catch-22 moment

    Professional homeopaths face uncertain future

    Download (301 KB)
  • The Vanishing of the Bees

    Sam Burcher, environment reporter for Caduceus Magazine, writes about the film that gets to the bottom of the mystery of the disappearing bees with some success

    Download (224 KB)
  • UK MEP contact list

    A list of the UK MEPs with email addresses, telephone numbers, region and political group.

    Download (111 KB)