
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • Press release - 090303 New science points to importance of high dose supplements

    Press release following the release of three papers in a single edition of the peer reviewed journal, Archives of Internal Medicine, all of which support high dose supplementation.

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  • February 2009 campaign flyer

    ANH's one page A4 flyer. Download it and distribute it!!

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  • ANH release: Women's Multivitamin Study - predictable results and a waste of valuable research funds

    In the wake of the Neuhouser et al observational study (Archives of Internal Medicine, Feb 9; 169(3): 294-304) evaluating the effects of multivitamins and minerals on postmenopausal women, the ANH calls for better spending of public money in the area of preventative healthcare.

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  • Codex Alimentarius - Polish

    Globalna kontrola ywnoci przez rzdy i koncerny midzynarodowe

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  • Women’s Multivitamin Study: ‘A little, too late’ study, designed to fail

    The ANH critique of Neuhouser et al's paper: "Multivitamin Use and Risk of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in the Women's Health Initiative Cohorts"Arch Intern Med. 2009 Feb 9; 169(3): 294-304. The study investigated the effects of multivitamin and mineral supplements on chronic diseases and the ANH shows why the negative results were entirely expected.

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  • Code Red Alert to Canadians: Bill C-6 missile is launched!

    The February 2009 call to Canadian natural health consumers and industry to come together to challenge Bill-C6, which could adversely impact thousands of natural health products presently upon the Canadian market, as well as, potentially, the practice of natural medicine, including herbal and orthomolecular medicine.

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    Press release from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service regarding the pharma biases in journals.

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  • ANH Open Letter to EFSA questioning its risk assessment methodologies

    The ANH open letter was stimulated following EFSA's dismissive response to ANH and Professor Vyvyan Howard's critical commentaries on the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) over the use of sodium monofluorophosphate in food supplements.

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  • ANH release: ANH calls for inquiry into EFSA's risk assessment work

    ANH release on 26th January 2009, calling for an independent inquiry into EFSA's risk assessment work, on the day ANH released its own critique and another independent commentary by Prof Vyvyan Howard. Both these critiques are referenced in the Notes to the Editor section of the release.

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  • ANH release: Ray of sunlight from ANH/Irish efforts in Petitions Committee, Brussels

    Press release following the decision on 19 January 2009 by the European Parliament's Petitions Committee to keep open the Irish Association of Health Stores' petition challenging the European Commission's planned imposition of draconian maximum limits for vitamin and mineral food supplements in Europe. The petition was presented to the Petitions Committee in Brussels by ANH's Rob Verkerk.

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