
The ANH-Intl archive of newsletters, documents, infographics, other pdfs and press releases

  • ANH White Paper (2008) on Sustainable Healthcare

    10-page White Paper on Sustainable Healthcare. This paper shows how the principles of sustainability, applied so successfully to developments in the fields of energy and agriculture, can now be used to revolutionise healthcare.

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  • ANH Codex flyer 2008

    In one page, find out why consumers and citizens of the world need to ensure that the almost closed shop of Codex Alimentarius, the place where big business and governments of the world decide how to control the global food suppply, needs to be be dramatically changed in the interests of our health—and that of future generations

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  • Are we being hoodwinked by Prof Ernst?

    On the lead up to the release of Professor Ernst and Dr Singh's book 'Trick or Treament?', ANH Medical Director, Dr Damien Downing, claims that Professor Ernst, one of the most foremost critics of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM), is being unscientific.

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  • Lies, Damned Lies... and Professor Ernst's New Book

    Read ANH medical director, Dr Damien Downing's critique of those debunking complementary medicine on the basis of so-called science and Ernst and Singh's new book 'Trick or Treatment".

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  • Cochrane meta-analysis stimulates more anti-vitamin headlines

    Bjelakovic and colleagues re-issue virtually the same meta-analysis to the Cochrane Review team as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on 28 February 2007—and gain more international headlines which seem are meant to dissuade people from taking vitamins.

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  • European Commission moves goalposts on health claims

    Seemingly in a bid to cull over 6000 applications for generic health claims under Article 13 of the EU's Nutrition & Health Claims Regulation (2007), the Commission indicate that all health claims will be rejected unless supported by evidence from human trials.

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  • ANH flyer for Lightworkers and Healers

    If you're a lightworker or a healer who would like to join the ANH Lightworkers Network, please download a copy of this flyer and find out how you can be part of the new and much needed paradigm shift.

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  • Onerous laws for botanicals threatens consumer choice in the EU

    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) controls all food safety matters for the 500 million consumers in the EU. It is now progressing it's approach to how it will deal with botanical ingredients in food supplements. There are real concerns that many very useful botanical ingredients might be regarded as medicinal products—and will so be banned in food supplements.

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  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of EU Natural Health Legislation

    Read the up-to-date ANH summary guide to the 'big 4' of EU legislation threatening the natural health sector.

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  • ANH Sustainable Healthcare campaign launched in Sweden

    Article in Caduceus magazine (UK) discussing ANH's launch of its sustainable healthcare campaign in Sweden in January 2008

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