Search Results

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  • Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

    10 March 2022

    Find out why Gates-funded meat demonisation is non-science and the Global Burden of Disease data can’t be trusted

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  • Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

    25 September 2019

    Should we just roll over and let new tech try to save us and the planet?

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  • ANH News Beat (week 29/2024)

    18 July 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week vaccine safety studies not done; Teenagers mental health; UK approves lab-grown meat for pets; News from ANH-USA; Latest covid updates plus more...

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 02/2022)

    13 January 2022

    Diet & autoimmune disease; UK app promotes ‘healthy’ kids snacks; Anyone for insects or lab-grown meat?; Exercise enhances brain function; Reviewing polypharmacies

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  • ANH News Beat (week 19/2024)

    08 May 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week a plethora of covid news; updates from ANH-USA; US authorities hid harmful phone radiation data; plant-based meat doesn't prevent heart disease; Florida bans lab-grown meat and much more...

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  • ANH News Beat (week 12/2024)

    21 March 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week Big Pharma profits from obesity; Intermittent fasting - healthful or not?; Mobile phones & brain cancer; HPV vaccines & autoimmunity; Lab-grown pet food; Covid news; ANH-USA updates plus more...

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  • ANH News Beat (week 06/2024)

    07 February 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. ANH-USA joins new Advocacy Alliance, Hungary muses lab-meat ban, Alzheimer's drug dropped by Big Pharma company, Covid News and updates from ANH-USA plus more...

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  • News Alerts: Week 26, 2020

    26 June 2020

    Alzheimer’s disease and lifestyle; CBD regulation & safety; UK – GM by the backdoor?; Paul McCartney joins calls for meat-free school meals; Lab grown breastmilk

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  • News Alerts: Week 38, 2019

    18 September 2019

    US think tank prepares the way for lab-grown meat; US food recalled 10 times more often than supplements; UK cancer survival rates; Apple health studies; Snack taxes; UK delays smart meter rollout

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 44/2022)

    02 November 2022

    Vaping can harm your health!; Artificial sweeteners damage kids health; Insects are an essential part of our ecosystem; UK government inflates number of GPs; To eat meat or not?

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