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  • News Alerts: Week 08, 2021

    24 February 2021

    Question vaccines and you’re a criminal; People power champions natural health in Australia; The problems with PCR testing; Life years lost to covid; Vaccine concerns; Vaccine passports; Iodine mouthwash kills SARS-CoV-2; Refined grains, mortality & heart disease

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  • Weekly news update (week 12, 2021)

    24 March 2021

    Global march for freedom; Costs & harms of lockdowns; NHS opt out; News from Israel; Covid vaccine news; Ultra-processed food heart harms; Combatting covid naturally; Transcendental meditation for PTSD and more...

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  • News Alerts: Week 06, 2021

    10 February 2021

    UK govt NHS power grab; SARS-CoV-2 origins; Putting the Covid Vaccine On Trial; Council of Europe rules no mandated covid vaccines; Censors, censorship, censored! Pandemic – murder most foul; No deaths from supplements; The battle for vitamin D continues; Glyphosate damages microbiome; Forest bathing benefits

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  • News: Week 10, '21

    11 March 2021

    Obesity and covid; Astrazeneca jab rollout halted; EU botanicals ban; Lockdowns don’t reduce mortality; US mortality epidemic; Mink and covid mutations; Australia, healthcare workers & covid vaccines; Neonicotinoids impact ground nesting bees

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  • News Alerts: Week 51, 2020

    17 December 2020

    Vitamin pressure intensifies; Ayurveda research project; 5G satellite petition; Coca-Cola dirty dealings; GM pigs authorised; UK citizens will not face restrictions for choosing not to be vaccinated; Glyphosate damages keystone species' DNA

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  • News Alerts: Week 03, 2021

    20 January 2021

    Ivermectin approved in US, To mask or not?; Gut health linked to covid-19 severity; Natural immunity protective against covid-19; Regenerative agriculture takes centre stage; Did SARS-CoV-2 escape from a lab?; Covid-19 and natural treatments; Grub up!

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  • News Alerts: Week 02, 2021

    14 January 2021

    Censorship goes into overdrive; The cost of meat; Covid-19 drives healthier lifestyles; Covid-19 and natural health; Covid, vitamin D & C; UK approves bee killing pesticide; Bill Gates finances geoengineering project

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  • Founder's Blog: Virus versus humanity

    23 December 2020

    What the %!#★ happened in 2020?!

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  • ANH-Intl Feature: Searching for answers in the brave new world of covid vaccines

    20 January 2021

    As mass vaccination scales up, we attempt to answer 8 common questions being posed by the public

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  • News Alerts: Week 47, 2020

    19 November 2020

    ‘Anti-vax’ rhetoric increases; Danish citizens defeat covid restrictions; Germany Drs & citizens oppose restrictions; Portuguese courts questions PCR test validity; Pharma boss calls pandemic ‘greatest hoax’; New film highlights dangers from GMOs; Research update; In Brief

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