Search Results

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  • Dissent in the ranks

    29 April 2020

    Increasing censorship of dissenting voices makes rational debate ever more difficult

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  • News Alerts: Week 28, 2020

    10 July 2020

    No evidence anyone has died from the coronavirus; Google funds WHO ads; UK lockdown legal challenge fails; Ancient crabs and vaccines; Metabolic health of BAME community not being assessed; Low-fat diets don’t lower cholesterol in familial hypercholesterolemia; UK vaginal mesh scandal

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  • News Alerts: Week 27, 2020

    02 July 2020

    Vitamin D, covid, IBD and blood pressure; Covid deaths drop below 5-year average; CRISPR causes damage to human embryos; Bayer fights back; UK organisations say No to lower standards imports

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  • News Alerts: Week 24, 2020

    11 June 2020

    Asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19 rare; Boris, Gates and vaccines; UK GPs withhold antibody tests; Covid crackdown on natural health; Gut health & Covid; Sixth mass extinction accelerating

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  • News Alerts: Week 08, 2020

    19 February 2020

    Bayer’s woes multiply; Vitamin C & coronavirus; Internet watchdog funded by Big Pharma; Astaxanthin safety in EU; US diabetes rates in young people; How secure is your health data?

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  • Have we lost control to the State?

    09 April 2020

    About the pandemic-induced transition of control over our lives and fundamental freedoms

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  • News Alerts: Week 51, 2019

    19 December 2019

    Lyn Thyer returned to jail; Natural healthcare safe; CBD novel foods; Combat obesity with exercise advice; Ultra-processed foods & diabetes; GM by any other name; Europe urged to include agroecological systems; Antibiotic over-prescription

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  • News Alerts: Week 06, 2020

    05 February 2020

    US government sued over EMR regulations; Pasta - a vegetable in the US; Sweeteners - not so sweet for babies; EPA declares glyphosate safe; AHA recommends diet & lifestyle changes to live healthier for longer

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