Search Results

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  • Weekly news update (week 21, 2021)

    26 May 2021

    Facebook, whistleblowers & censorship; Rob Verkerk & CNM podcast; US CBD bill proposal; Gene editing in Canada; Healthy lifestyle reduces dementia; UK ivermectin petition; Covid vaccination news; Covid vaccine news; Other items relevant to our mission...

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  • News Alerts: Week 13, 2020

    26 March 2020

    ASA attacks natural health products; Plant-based diet not always healthy; Poor lifestyle shortens lifespan; Online support groups damage diabetic health; Early puberty in boys & T2D; Nurturing soil good for climate

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  • Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 16/2022)

    21 April 2022

    'Good' cholesterol protects against Alzheimer's; E-cigarettes not as healthy as touted; Verizon told shut down cellphone tower; Covid Corner

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  • Food4Health Campaign

    Confused by what government’s are saying we should be eating? You’re not alone! Government guidelines are based on outdated or flawed science. Worse, they’re contributing to making people sick, fat and tired. Find out more about what healthy eating is really all about.

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 02/2022)

    13 January 2022

    Diet & autoimmune disease; UK app promotes ‘healthy’ kids snacks; Anyone for insects or lab-grown meat?; Exercise enhances brain function; Reviewing polypharmacies

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  • Hacking your lifespan via your Ecological Terrain

    07 April 2022

    Health is a key ingredient for a happy life. Part 1 in this video series re-frames how to get healthy and offers a practical set of tools to kick off your own health reset. Are you ready?

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 25/2022)

    23 June 2022

    Are supplements a waste of money?; Vitamin D deficiency increases Alzheimer’s risk; Dr's warn against medicalising menopause; Glyphosate not safe for humans or wildlife; Lack of evidence for most medical treatments; Sustainable Food Trust report; Healthy gut essential; Ring a Ring of satellites

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  • Weekly news update (week 35, 2021)

    02 September 2021

    Diet & lifestyle influence dementia risk; Ivermectin update; Covid restrictions & kids mental health; GMO to combat burnt toast!; GMO crops harm beneficial insects; Pesticide use driving obesity epidemic; No booster, no pass in Israel; Japan, Moderna & contamination fears

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  • Weekly news update (week 22, 2021)

    03 June 2021

    Open for All!; Diet & lifestyle changes reverse ageing; Indian Bar Asstn sue WHO re ivermectin; Masks did not slow covid spread; PFAS found in garden fertilisers; Pandemic reduced cancer care; The Anti-vax conspiracy; Other news…

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  • The Regen Health Blueprint Project

    Regenerating health & care post pandemic. Find out how an entire nation’s approach to health & care could be made both resilient and sustainable for now and the future based on our UK-tailored blueprint

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