Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 14, 2020

    02 April 2020

    There ARE treatments for COVID-19; Stealth app for COVID-19!; US children’s diets nutritionally inadequate; Acupuncture reduces migraine frequency; Mother’s microbiome influences food allergy development; Missing trial data must be published; Monsanto/BASF cover up revealed

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  • News Alerts: Week 47, 2019

    21 November 2019

    Breast cancer increase in young women; Millennial health; Healthy foods for a healthy planet; Exercise referral schemes failing; Psychiatry needs an overhaul; Mapping the human microbiome

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  • ANH News Beat (week 25/2023)

    21 June 2023

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more

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  • ANH News Beat (week 19/2023)

    11 May 2023

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 17/2022)

    27 April 2022

    Biodiversity loss impacting insect populations; Do humans possess nutritional wisdom?; Brisk walking improves biological age; Could EMFs contribute to Alzheimer’s development?; FDA to allow NAC supplements; Your gut bugs choose your food; Cancer isn’t just genetic

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  • Create Healthy Babies, Naturally

    This course takes participants on a 15-week journey, following chronologically from preconception-care, the gestation period, preparation for birth through hypno-birthing techniques, successful births, and raising newborns to six-months old, through to toddlers.

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  • News roundup (week 01/2022)

    06 January 2022

    Fibre rich foods reduce anxiety; 5G danger to air traffic; Who’s regulating the drug regulators?; Artificial sweetener drives C-diff epidemic; Puerto Rico embraces agroecology

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 36/2022)

    07 September 2022

    NMI journal launched; Tackling European supplement MPL harmonisation; Sugar damages the immune system; Omega 3's reduce blood pressure

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  • Weekly news update (week 41, 2021)

    14 October 2021

    Calls to limit B6 supplement dose; FDA wants to improve kids diets; Artificial sweeteners damage gut health; Basil may protect against Alzheimer’s; Mood enhancing nature

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 25/2022)

    23 June 2022

    Are supplements a waste of money?; Vitamin D deficiency increases Alzheimer’s risk; Dr's warn against medicalising menopause; Glyphosate not safe for humans or wildlife; Lack of evidence for most medical treatments; Sustainable Food Trust report; Healthy gut essential; Ring a Ring of satellites

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