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  • Weekly news update (week 22, 2021)

    03 June 2021

    Open for All!; Diet & lifestyle changes reverse ageing; Indian Bar Asstn sue WHO re ivermectin; Masks did not slow covid spread; PFAS found in garden fertilisers; Pandemic reduced cancer care; The Anti-vax conspiracy; Other news…

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  • Weekly news update (week 25, 2021)

    23 June 2021

    Beating online hate; No asymptomatic transmission; WHO, covid vaccines & children; Ivermectin works against covid; Innova rapid test not fit for use; Dangerously pathogenic masks; Coercion & vaccine passports; Desperate vaccine inducements; Junk food kids; Vitamin D reduces risk of serious covid illness

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  • Weekly news update (week 24, 2021)

    16 June 2021

    A Stand at your MP; Cancer girl denied access to natural therapies; Wellcome boss hid covid origins; Covid vaccine news; Vaccine discrimination; Child covid hospitalisations; Other news

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  • Weekly news update (week 20, 2021)

    19 May 2021

    NHS opt out; FDA attacks NAC; My Cycle Story study; PFAS found in breast milk; UK govt & online censorship; Book: A State of Fear; Robin Daly’s epic challenge; Eric Clapton & vaccination; What we're reading...

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  • Weekly news update (week 12, 2021)

    24 March 2021

    Global march for freedom; Costs & harms of lockdowns; NHS opt out; News from Israel; Covid vaccine news; Ultra-processed food heart harms; Combatting covid naturally; Transcendental meditation for PTSD and more...

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  • Weekly news update (week 23, 2021)

    10 June 2021

    Canadian nurses speak out; Alzheimer’s drug approval; Covid vaccine news; Gut health & diet; Ivermectin news; Other news…

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  • Weekly news update (week 21, 2021)

    26 May 2021

    Facebook, whistleblowers & censorship; Rob Verkerk & CNM podcast; US CBD bill proposal; Gene editing in Canada; Healthy lifestyle reduces dementia; UK ivermectin petition; Covid vaccination news; Covid vaccine news; Other items relevant to our mission...

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  • Weekly news update (week 16, 2021)

    21 April 2021

    Designed to Heal podcast; Health e-Learning platform launch; No new antibiotics; Nature's noise reduces pain & stress; Covid & children’s mental health; Pesticide toxicity increase; UK 5G action takes a step forward

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  • Weekly news update (week 19, 2021)

    13 May 2021

    Nuremberg Trials 2021; Could fasting harm future generations?; UK vitamin D news; GM mosquitoes released in Florida; Virus origins; Kids & vaccine indoctrination; News we’re interested in…

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  • Speaking Naturally: renowned US paediatrician warns of child health crisis

    28 April 2021

    Dr Michelle Perro reveals the drivers behind the increasing sickness of our children - and what we can do about it

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