Search Results

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  • Facebook, falsehoods and the framing of ‘alternative’ health

    29 August 2018

    Should the social media giants be policing content? Should we trust them to tell the difference between true and false?

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  • Weekly news update (week 34, 2021)

    25 August 2021

    People power thwarts NHS data grab; Delta variant shown to shed heavily in fully vaccinated people; Disinformation Dozen kicked into touch by Facebook; Doctors gagged after speaking out!; FCC RF radiation guidelines not fit for purpose; No transparency in FDA Pfizer approval; Ban gain of function testing; Unions say no to mandatory vaccination; Covid open letters

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  • News Alerts: Week 06, 2021

    10 February 2021

    UK govt NHS power grab; SARS-CoV-2 origins; Putting the Covid Vaccine On Trial; Council of Europe rules no mandated covid vaccines; Censors, censorship, censored! Pandemic – murder most foul; No deaths from supplements; The battle for vitamin D continues; Glyphosate damages microbiome; Forest bathing benefits

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  • News Alerts: Week 02, 2018

    10 January 2018

    Should we reduce daily calorie intakes? Supplements market set to surge, Challenging healthy eating paradigms, Call for funding to research aluminium in vaccines

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 49/2022)

    07 December 2022

    Is ferming the future of farming?; African farming organisations challenge Bill Gates; UK to fast track new technologies to combat obesity; Fight to reduce pesticide use in the EU; Drug to reduce ‘irritability’ in autistic teenagers

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  • The fishy Cochrane Omega-3 stitch-up

    08 August 2018

    Why we should still work on reducing our Omega 6:3 ratio regardless of Cochrane’s latest recommendation on fish oils and ALA

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  • News Alerts: Week 09, 2021

    03 March 2021

    Cause of death covid-19?; Pfizer ransoms governments; Censorship noose tightens; Ivermectin paper retracted; PFAS exposure linked to miscarriage; EU countries unite to allow use of word probiotic on labels

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 47/2022)

    23 November 2022

    Male fertility continues to drop; vit D prevention; NHS privatises patient data; Paracetamol makes you take more risks; Minimal risk to health from red meat; GMO safeguards swept away; Live longer with purpose

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  • News Alerts: Week 08, 2021

    24 February 2021

    Question vaccines and you’re a criminal; People power champions natural health in Australia; The problems with PCR testing; Life years lost to covid; Vaccine concerns; Vaccine passports; Iodine mouthwash kills SARS-CoV-2; Refined grains, mortality & heart disease

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  • Weekly news update (week 28, 2021)

    15 July 2021

    Vanden Bossche vindicated by SAGE; Global vaccine tyranny; Antibiotic resistance crisis; EU should regulate gene editing; Keto diet & cancer; Magic pill for coeliacs; UK theatres open, then close!; Covid vaccine pushbacks; Fermented food for gut health; Covid vaccines, infections & adverse reactions; Censored & suspended

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