Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 42, 2020

    16 October 2020

    Gates to a Global Empire report; Vitamins C & D and zinc for covid; UK MPs reject food safety safeguards; Lockdown hysteria grows; Madrid leader resists lockdown; Coronavirus restriction apathy; Pesticide harms; In Brief

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  • The 188,000 of us who the UK Dept of Health ignored

    04 December 2020

    Freedom of information request reveals 188,000 responses to mass vaccination consultation by UK Dept of Health

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  • News Alerts: Week 38, 2020

    16 September 2020

    Fauci's about turn: the case for vitamins C & D; Skeptics breach bastion of Scouting; CBD on the bill in the US; Global biodiversity on the brink

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  • News Alerts: Week 34, 2020

    20 August 2020

    NICE dismisses low carb diets; Citizens protest against covid restrictions; Mexico bans sale of junk food to children; Mexico phases out glyphosate; UK A&E booking system; Mammograms for under 50’s; The risky business of gene editing

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  • News Alerts: Week 30, 2020

    22 July 2020

    UK deaths continue to drop below 5-year average; Will Boris turn Britain totalitarian?; Falling childhood vaccination rates; Sustainable agriculture - antidote to harmful Govt advice; Global fertility rates predicted to plummet; Obesity crisis; Podcast - Rob Verkerk: a personal story

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  • News Alerts: Week 32, 2020

    05 August 2020

    Hydroxychloroquine hit job; PCR tests to detect covid infection scientifically unsound; Statins don’t reduce risk of dying from heart disease; Forbes says no more personal science research; Agrichemical farming failures; News in Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 27, 2020

    02 July 2020

    Vitamin D, covid, IBD and blood pressure; Covid deaths drop below 5-year average; CRISPR causes damage to human embryos; Bayer fights back; UK organisations say No to lower standards imports

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  • News Alerts: Week 23, 2020

    03 June 2020

    Immune support for NHS staff; Biased BBC on natural wellness; 5G legal challenges; Microbiome Rewilding; New EU Farm to Fork

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  • News Alerts: Week 21, 2020

    21 May 2020

    The trouble with testing; Social distancing in schools is #NotOK; Google antitrust case; Battle of the bulge; Healthy gut microbiome protective; Healthy gut, healthy brain;

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  • inVIVO 2020 - 9th Annual Conference

    01 - 11 December 2020

    Addressing strategies to overcome global ‘dysbiotic drift’ – life in distress - on every level, bringing together diverse perspectives from across many dimensions of the arts and the sciences, as we explore novel solutions and new normative values. ​

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