Search Results

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  • Coronacast 6: How many are really dying?

    26 June 2020

    Rob Verkerk PhD provides an update on the Covid pandemic. Deaths and infection rates, UK's lockdown relaxation, vaccines, the virus' origins and how government's have failed to get behind a cheap and simple preventative that could save lives.

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  • News Alerts: Week 45, 2019

    06 November 2019

    NHS to test babies’ DNA; Google buys Fitbit; Kids, obesity & ultra-processed foods; Insect decline; Exercise for healthy ageing; Seasonal eating

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  • News Alerts: Week 41, 2019

    09 October 2019

    Death of the cholesterol theory; Irish fight health tax; Cooking food changes microbiome; Microbial teamwork & gut health; Omega-3 & CVD; Hugging makes us happy; Pesticide safety

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