Search Results

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  • Stress, pain and addiction experts unite in San Antonio, TX

    05 June 2019

    Bringing you highlights of the Institute for Functional Medicine’s Annual International Conference

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  • News Alerts: Week 09, 2019

    27 February 2019

    Ireland postpones VAT on food supplements; Common chemical promotes antibiotic resistance; Brexit & sugar reduction; Benefits of yoga; Big Pharma closes in on cannabis market; Glyphosate cancer link strengthens; Organic better for health

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  • News Alerts: Week 37, 2018

    12 September 2018

    People 1, Monsanto 0…; Prevention not cure in NHS; Flu vaccine for over 65’s; Do mobile phones cause cancer?; Antidepressants and antibiotic resistance; Bees not needed!; Philippines boosting HPV vaccine uptake

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