Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 33, 2020

    12 August 2020

    Doctors for truth movement goes global; The bad and ugly of pandemic restrictions; Beat obesity to beat the virus; UK Government seeks to tighten Cancer Act; Extra News in Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 11, 2020

    12 March 2020

    Sweeteners + carbs = metabolic disaster; Call for release of statin safety data; PHE reassure smokers vaping is safe; New US FDA GM promotion tool; Calls for UK supermarkets to ban pesticide sales; Bayer shareholder lawsuit; Visceral fat harms brain health; Low carb diets improve brain health; Is your home spying on you?

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  • News Alerts: Week 04, 2020

    23 January 2020

    Censored – Google & natural health; Flawed FDA drugs approval system; Parkinson’s Disease & the gut; Soybean oil & brain damage; Big Ag playbook revealed

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  • News Alerts: Week 51

    20 December 2017

    WHO declares Cannabis oil safe, China promotes TCM, HPV vaccine safety concerns and Illegal use of pesticides in US

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  • News Alerts: Week 41, 2017

    11 October 2017

    New Andrew Wakefield biopic; Has measles been eliminated?; Bee killing pesticides in honey; Pharma’s curcumin nanoparticles

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  • News Alerts: Week 32, 2019

    07 August 2019

    Focus on cancer prevention not cure; EFSA pesticide ban; Agroecology to beat superweeds; CVD mortality increase; French smart-meters removed

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  • News Alerts: Week 46, 2018

    14 November 2018

    Should red meat be taxed?; Asia increases focus on sustainable farming; EU retracts seed patent; ANH HPV film release; Pesticides contaminate human hair

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 23/2022)

    09 June 2022

    EFSA stalls CBD novel food approval; New approach to healthy ageing needed; EFSA reviews copper ADI; Merck fights HPV lawsuit; Glyphosate damages gut microbiome; Mosquitoes learn to dodge pesticides; What we're reading

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  • Weekly news update (week 35, 2021)

    02 September 2021

    Diet & lifestyle influence dementia risk; Ivermectin update; Covid restrictions & kids mental health; GMO to combat burnt toast!; GMO crops harm beneficial insects; Pesticide use driving obesity epidemic; No booster, no pass in Israel; Japan, Moderna & contamination fears

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