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  • Weekly news update (week 15, 2021)

    15 April 2021

    Vaccine passport opposition grows; Covid vaccine updates; UK Medical Freedom Bill; Covid-19 treatment censored; Update on David Noakes & Lyn Thyer; Disinformation Dozen combine forces; German court bans covid restrictions in schools; Are we heading for a ’Silent Spring’?; Autism & gut health

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  • News Alerts: Week 03, 2021

    20 January 2021

    Ivermectin approved in US, To mask or not?; Gut health linked to covid-19 severity; Natural immunity protective against covid-19; Regenerative agriculture takes centre stage; Did SARS-CoV-2 escape from a lab?; Covid-19 and natural treatments; Grub up!

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  • News Alerts: Week 20, 2018

    16 May 2018

    Drugs damage the microbiome; Global transfat eradication; The power of diet; HPV vaccine confusion

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  • News Alerts: Week 19, 2018

    10 May 2018

    Diet and menopause; fasting and anti-ageing; obesity and exercise; our microbiome in Big Pharma’s sights

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  • ANH News Beat (week 07/2024)

    14 February 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week - use of amalgam fillings to be stopped in the EU, lantibiotics and their effect on the gut microbiome, the dodgy data pushing plant-based ideology, censoring wellness advocates plus much more...

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  • Test & Take: Vitamin D

    Possibly the cheapest way of protecting yourself from Covid that your government is not telling you about (correctly)

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  • News Alerts: Week 05, 2020

    29 January 2020

    Bayer pursues trial settlements; GM plants for ‘plant factories’; Baby food companies & breastfeeding in India; Industry influence on US dietary guidelines; Pharma funding of patient groups; Alzheimer’s & type 3 diabetes; Gut health news in brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 24, 2019

    12 June 2019

    Individualising dietary advice; Gut bugs & brain health; Opioid crisis; CBD ruled illegal in Italy; Golden rice failure

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  • News Alerts: Week 34, 2019

    21 August 2019

    Kids weight loss app! Obesity, cancer & young people; The Monsanto papers; Western diet drives bacteria evolution; AHA science advisory; Fluoride & IQ; Vaping linked to lung disease

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