Search Results

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  • Weekly news update (week 21, 2021)

    26 May 2021

    Facebook, whistleblowers & censorship; Rob Verkerk & CNM podcast; US CBD bill proposal; Gene editing in Canada; Healthy lifestyle reduces dementia; UK ivermectin petition; Covid vaccination news; Covid vaccine news; Other items relevant to our mission...

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  • Weekly news update (week 17, 2021)

    28 April 2021

    Truth Over Fear Summit; Scientists call for covid restrictions end; Vaccine adverse reactions; Covid vaccines & pregnancy; German judge intimidated; New GMO film released; London Freedom March; Mask wearing unsafe; Nutritional therapy improves health & wellbeing; Danish dietary guidelines

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  • Weekly news update (week 12, 2021)

    24 March 2021

    Global march for freedom; Costs & harms of lockdowns; NHS opt out; News from Israel; Covid vaccine news; Ultra-processed food heart harms; Combatting covid naturally; Transcendental meditation for PTSD and more...

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  • Weekly news update (week 15, 2021)

    15 April 2021

    Vaccine passport opposition grows; Covid vaccine updates; UK Medical Freedom Bill; Covid-19 treatment censored; Update on David Noakes & Lyn Thyer; Disinformation Dozen combine forces; German court bans covid restrictions in schools; Are we heading for a ’Silent Spring’?; Autism & gut health

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  • Pathfinder members Q&A session November 2021

    15 November 2021

    Zoom recording from our members meeting on Thurs 11th November

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  • Food4Health Campaign

    Confused by what government’s are saying we should be eating? You’re not alone! Government guidelines are based on outdated or flawed science. Worse, they’re contributing to making people sick, fat and tired. Find out more about what healthy eating is really all about.

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  • Weekly news update (week 41, 2021)

    14 October 2021

    Calls to limit B6 supplement dose; FDA wants to improve kids diets; Artificial sweeteners damage gut health; Basil may protect against Alzheimer’s; Mood enhancing nature

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  • Weekly news update (week 40, 2021)

    07 October 2021

    Kids, veggies and mental health; Scientific challenge to US Dietary Guidelines; Fluoride petition; Is UK govt trying to silence charities; Weight loss for T2D

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  • Weekly news update (week 39, 2021)

    29 September 2021

    Insulin resistance & depression; Flavonoids and gut health; Synbiotics reduce stress reactions; Pharmaceuticals damage the microbiome; The dangers of EMFs; FDA’s approvals process criticised; Kratom witchunt; UK to allow gene editing

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  • Weekly news update (week 38, 2021)

    22 September 2021

    Folic acid fortification; ‘Influence Government’; We are what we eat; Over prescription of drugs; European Commission supports gene editing

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