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  • News Alerts: Week 48, 2020

    27 November 2020

    Peaceful protests prevented; Covid vaccines confusion; CBD isn’t a narcotic; Qantas & Ticketmaster back vaccine proof;  Social isolation triggers cravings similar to hunger cravings

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  • News Alerts: Week 42, 2020

    16 October 2020

    Gates to a Global Empire report; Vitamins C & D and zinc for covid; UK MPs reject food safety safeguards; Lockdown hysteria grows; Madrid leader resists lockdown; Coronavirus restriction apathy; Pesticide harms; In Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 51, 2019

    19 December 2019

    Lyn Thyer returned to jail; Natural healthcare safe; CBD novel foods; Combat obesity with exercise advice; Ultra-processed foods & diabetes; GM by any other name; Europe urged to include agroecological systems; Antibiotic over-prescription

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  • News Alerts: Week 02, 2020

    08 January 2020

    5G protest day; Golden rice approval; US obesity rates set to soar; Organic farming futureproofs soil; Roadmap to insect recovery; UK eating disorder hospital admissions rise; UK GP numbers crisis; Bayer/Monsanto calls in big guns

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  • News Alerts: Week 49, 2019

    04 December 2019

    Lyn Thyer release!; CBD regulatory crack down; Sat fat reduction evidence exaggerated & biased; 25yr olds could become new statin drug target; Nicotinamide riboside novel food approval; World AIDS Day; UK doctor burnout; Parkinson’s disease & antibiotics; Supermarkets & pesticides

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  • News Alerts: Week 41, 2019

    09 October 2019

    Death of the cholesterol theory; Irish fight health tax; Cooking food changes microbiome; Microbial teamwork & gut health; Omega-3 & CVD; Hugging makes us happy; Pesticide safety

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  • News Alerts: Week 31, 2019

    31 July 2019

    GcMAF witch hunt continues; Biotech bullies strongarm EU; Brazil’s pesticide regulations; CBD markets under attack; You really are what you eat!; NHS to offer DNA testing; 5G harms reported in Geneva

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  • News Alerts: Week 33, 2019

    15 August 2019

    Lyn Thyer extradited!; Gluten and kids - coeliac risk; Alzheimer’s Disease research update; Planetary health takes centre stage; Healthy vaginal microbiome thwarts STI; UK GP waiting time crisis

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