Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 31, 2019

    31 July 2019

    GcMAF witch hunt continues; Biotech bullies strongarm EU; Brazil’s pesticide regulations; CBD markets under attack; You really are what you eat!; NHS to offer DNA testing; 5G harms reported in Geneva

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  • News Alerts: Week 30, 2020

    22 July 2020

    UK deaths continue to drop below 5-year average; Will Boris turn Britain totalitarian?; Falling childhood vaccination rates; Sustainable agriculture - antidote to harmful Govt advice; Global fertility rates predicted to plummet; Obesity crisis; Podcast - Rob Verkerk: a personal story

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  • News Alerts: Week 29, 2019

    17 July 2019

    The NHS & Alexa; Caloric restriction for health; Ultra-processed food risks; Upstream dementia prevention; UK must shift to sustainable farming

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  • News Alerts: Week 23, 2019

    05 June 2019

    Life purpose reduces dying risk; UK GP practice closures; Statins cause nerve damage in diabetics; ‘Change the record’ on obesity; Should mosquitoes be eliminated?

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  • News Alerts: Week 25, 2020

    17 June 2020

    Nutrient deficiencies, immune health and covid; Unvax’d kids healthier than vax’d; Water fluoridation on trial; Sub-standard supplements on Amazon; US dietary guidance whistleblowers; Avoidable medication errors in UK

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  • News Alerts: Week 23, 2020

    03 June 2020

    Immune support for NHS staff; Biased BBC on natural wellness; 5G legal challenges; Microbiome Rewilding; New EU Farm to Fork

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  • News Alerts: Week 17, 2019

    24 April 2019

    WHO withdraws EAT-Lancet support; UK doctors at breaking point; UK approves Huawei 5G; Multiple sclerosis misdiagnosis; Australia approves controversial GM tech

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  • News Alerts: Week 15, 2020

    09 April 2020

    Lancet hides key data on vitamin C; CRISPR’s accuracy questioned; CBD safety certification scheme launch; Google tracks lockdown movements; Covid pandemic encourages local food production; Ketogenic diet controls asthma

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  • News Alerts: Week 14, 2019

    03 April 2019

    Prescriptions for healthy foods; Digital addiction driving obesity; Gut feeling about cancer; End of the road for Monsanto? Brussels bans 5G

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  • News Alerts: Week 17, 2020

    22 April 2020

    EU privacy & security issues of tracing apps; Obesity & coronavirus; Cholesterol - immune essential; Record levels of supplement sales; Big Tech Coronahalo; Food system frailties exposed

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