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  • News Alerts: Week 46, 2020

    13 November 2020

    Open letters slam lockdowns; UK Govt supports vitamin D; UK Govt tackles vaccine ‘misinformation’; Dirt’s good for children’s microbiomes; Dutch advisory panel cautions against 5G

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 30/2022)

    28 July 2022

    EU proposes to deregulate ‘new' GMOs; Sulfoxaflor harms plants and insects; US adults’ poor metabolic health; High fat diet cause of neurodegeneration; Cause of Alzheimer's a case of fraud?; South African health regulator flouts legal ruling; Apple promotes its healthcare creds

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  • News Alerts: Week 05, 2020

    29 January 2020

    Bayer pursues trial settlements; GM plants for ‘plant factories’; Baby food companies & breastfeeding in India; Industry influence on US dietary guidelines; Pharma funding of patient groups; Alzheimer’s & type 3 diabetes; Gut health news in brief

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  • ANH Feature: Does the virus exist? A critical need for resolution

    31 August 2022

    How polarisation of views on SARS-CoV-2 and ‘pathogenic viruses’ will divide and conquer the health freedom movement

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  • News Alerts: Week 44, 2020

    28 October 2020

    Google hit by antitrust lawsuit; Smart meters could switch off your electricity; Put nature at the heart of economies; IHME caught distorting data; Glyphosate is an endocrine disrupting chemical

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  • News Alerts: Week 43, 2020

    22 October 2020

    Coronavirus protests continue; UK Govt ditches ‘Operation Moonshot’!; Microplastic danger from baby bottles; Fluoride is harmful to human brains; Biodiversity on the brink; In Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 39, 2020

    24 September 2020

    UK Coronavirus Act renewal; Belgian doctors open letter; Hancock says no to vitamin D; Challenge to Operation Moonshot; Low calorie v low carb for T2D remission; Poor transparency over covid vaccine trials; ‘Awe’ walks; Pick of the Week; In Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 41, 2020

    08 October 2020

    Scientists call for new approach to pandemic; Global coronavirus legal challenges; UK Government passes ‘licence to kill’ bill; Turmeric reduces knee pain; Scientists call for increase in vitamin D DRAs; In Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 35, 2020

    27 August 2020

    Avaaz and Facebook censorship collusion?; Covid-19 'nudges' don’t work; Supplements improve immunity; FCC sued over EMR regulations; What cost hand sanitisers?; Coronavirus vaccines; Stop Wikipedia’s natural medicine bias; Eat more vegetables

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