Search Results

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  • Covid bites (week 39/2021)

    29 September 2021

    As the coronavirus crisis rages on, we curate news from around the world from both mainstream and alternative scientific and media sources

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  • Weekly news update (week 17, 2021)

    28 April 2021

    Truth Over Fear Summit; Scientists call for covid restrictions end; Vaccine adverse reactions; Covid vaccines & pregnancy; German judge intimidated; New GMO film released; London Freedom March; Mask wearing unsafe; Nutritional therapy improves health & wellbeing; Danish dietary guidelines

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  • Food4Health Campaign

    Confused by what government’s are saying we should be eating? You’re not alone! Government guidelines are based on outdated or flawed science. Worse, they’re contributing to making people sick, fat and tired. Find out more about what healthy eating is really all about.

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  • News Alerts: Week 12, 2020

    19 March 2020

    Lyn Thyer released!; Telemedicine & coronavirus; ICNIRP declares 5G safe; Food packaging chemicals harmful to health; Gluten damages brain health; And finally…;

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 05/2022)

    02 February 2022

    Magnesium essential for immune system function; BPA can cross the placenta; CBD, novel foods & toxicology; Wearable tech and cancer; EU bans antibiotic use in livestock; Increased resilience improves health; Supplements reduce autoimmune disease risk; Cell phones damage male fertility; Diet and cancer

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  • News Alerts: Week 36, 2018

    05 September 2018

    Environmental campaigner dies; Big Pharma - African exploitation; Cheese and red meat back on the menu; UK energy drink ban; Malaysian sugar tax; UK 5G testing;

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  • Weekly news update (week 39, 2021)

    29 September 2021

    Insulin resistance & depression; Flavonoids and gut health; Synbiotics reduce stress reactions; Pharmaceuticals damage the microbiome; The dangers of EMFs; FDA’s approvals process criticised; Kratom witchunt; UK to allow gene editing

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  • Weekly news update (week 34, 2021)

    25 August 2021

    People power thwarts NHS data grab; Delta variant shown to shed heavily in fully vaccinated people; Disinformation Dozen kicked into touch by Facebook; Doctors gagged after speaking out!; FCC RF radiation guidelines not fit for purpose; No transparency in FDA Pfizer approval; Ban gain of function testing; Unions say no to mandatory vaccination; Covid open letters

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  • News Alerts: Week 35, 2019

    28 August 2019

    Be glass half full to live longer; UK report exposes polypharmacy threat to elderly; More Big Pharma revolving doors exposed; Where food and environmental sustainability meet; Harms from smart devices exposed; Opioid kingpin convicted in USA

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  • News Alerts: Week 06, 2021

    10 February 2021

    UK govt NHS power grab; SARS-CoV-2 origins; Putting the Covid Vaccine On Trial; Council of Europe rules no mandated covid vaccines; Censors, censorship, censored! Pandemic – murder most foul; No deaths from supplements; The battle for vitamin D continues; Glyphosate damages microbiome; Forest bathing benefits

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