Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 27, 2020

    02 July 2020

    Vitamin D, covid, IBD and blood pressure; Covid deaths drop below 5-year average; CRISPR causes damage to human embryos; Bayer fights back; UK organisations say No to lower standards imports

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  • News Alerts: Week 15, 2020

    09 April 2020

    Lancet hides key data on vitamin C; CRISPR’s accuracy questioned; CBD safety certification scheme launch; Google tracks lockdown movements; Covid pandemic encourages local food production; Ketogenic diet controls asthma

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  • News roundup (week 43/2021)

    29 October 2021

    Nuts for cognition; Kids and nature; Can wholegrains reduce diabetes risk?; Gene editing risks; Plant rich diets heal leaky gut

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  • News Alerts: Week 37, 2020

    10 September 2020

    Vitamin D, vitamin C and covid; Common drugs increase cognitive impairment; Herbal supplement sales soar in US; Australian integrative doctors open letter; Oatly boycott; Online censorship calls strengthen; CRISPR babies too risky

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  • News Alerts: Week 48, 2018

    28 November 2018

    UK diabetes charity sweetens own pocket; Pizza and baked beans for UK kids; CRISPR - generally considered “safe”; Tanzanian government bans GM field trials

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  • News Alerts: Week 52, 2020

    23 December 2020

    High blood sugar levels & covid-19; Genetic engineering health risks; Junk food harms teen sleep; An avocado a day keeps your gut microbes happy; BAME community & vitamin D deficiency; Ayurveda & covid-19

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  • News Alerts: Week 30, 2018

    26 July 2018

    Cannabis to be legalised in UK; No vaccine safety monitoring in US; Investigating ‘fake science’; CRISPR is a GMO; HPV jab for UK boys; Sri Lanka lifts glyphosate ban; EMFs and adolescent brains

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  • News Alerts: Week 34, 2020

    20 August 2020

    NICE dismisses low carb diets; Citizens protest against covid restrictions; Mexico bans sale of junk food to children; Mexico phases out glyphosate; UK A&E booking system; Mammograms for under 50’s; The risky business of gene editing

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  • News Alerts: Week 09, 2020

    26 February 2020

    Chronic disease biggest global killer; Dairy milk consumption linked to breast cancer; Functional fat in vessel walls; Mindfulness & meditation; FSAI recalls CBD products; BPA substitutes hazardous to health; Smartphone addiction; Gene-editing errors common

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 29/2022)

    20 July 2022

    ANH-USA resists supplements attack; UK childhood obesity; Don’t use artificial sweeteners to control weight; Gardening, art and mental health; Move over CRISPR base editing is here; Sustainable use of wild species

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