Search Results

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  • ANH PFAS campaign goes global

    06 July 2023

    Media around the world report on the findings of our PFAS study in the USA that exposes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - plus we release our extended campaign video

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  • ANH-USA study finds 'forever chemicals' in kale

    28 June 2023

    Our US team at Alliance for Natural Health USA tested the US FDA's claim that the majority of the US food supply was free from PFAS 'forever chemicals' - and guess what we found?

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  • ANH News Beat (week 10/2024)

    08 March 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week a tribute to veteran health freedom campaigner, Norma Erickson; Toxic chemical loads in humans; Indian government looks to regulate supplement under drug laws; Ultra-processed foods linked to chronic ill-health; Ashwagandha warnings plus updates from the ANH-USA team and Covid news

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  • Free speech on health matters: Hoffman and Verkerk discuss

    23 May 2024

    Rob Verkerk PhD joins leading US integrative medicine physician Dr Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast to talk about the fight for freedom of expression on health matters

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  • ANH News Beat (week 21/2024)

    23 May 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week safeguarding baby food; healthy ageing; Vaping & toxic chemicals; Organic crops adapt to environment; Healthy gut microbiome

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  • Weekly news update (week 29, 2021)

    22 July 2021

    US vaccine deaths; Prof Chris Exley ‘cancelled’; Corruption of UK health politics; Covid censorship; Ultra-processed foods and IBD; Covid vaccine news; Vaccine passports; Drug trial adverse reporting; Kids & covid vaccines; Plastics more harmful than realised; Founder says don’t trust Wikipedia!

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  • ANH News Beat (week 19/2024)

    08 May 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week a plethora of covid news; updates from ANH-USA; US authorities hid harmful phone radiation data; plant-based meat doesn't prevent heart disease; Florida bans lab-grown meat and much more...

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  • ANH News Beat (week 12/2024)

    21 March 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week Big Pharma profits from obesity; Intermittent fasting - healthful or not?; Mobile phones & brain cancer; HPV vaccines & autoimmunity; Lab-grown pet food; Covid news; ANH-USA updates plus more...

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  • News roundup (week 01/2022)

    06 January 2022

    Fibre rich foods reduce anxiety; 5G danger to air traffic; Who’s regulating the drug regulators?; Artificial sweetener drives C-diff epidemic; Puerto Rico embraces agroecology

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  • ANH News Beat (week 09/2024)

    29 February 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week Sainsbury's farmerless food vision; UK government crackdown on online marketing; Water fluoridation; Covid and ANH-USA updates plus lots more...

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