Search Results

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  • Natural News Roundup (week 49/2022)

    07 December 2022

    Is ferming the future of farming?; African farming organisations challenge Bill Gates; UK to fast track new technologies to combat obesity; Fight to reduce pesticide use in the EU; Drug to reduce ‘irritability’ in autistic teenagers

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  • ANH News Beat (week 24/2024)

    13 June 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week glyphosate & gluten-free foods; Decreasing sperm health; Water fluoridation; Taking the bitter out of bitter plants; Update from ANH-USA plus Covid News

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  • News Alerts: Week 02, 2021

    14 January 2021

    Censorship goes into overdrive; The cost of meat; Covid-19 drives healthier lifestyles; Covid-19 and natural health; Covid, vitamin D & C; UK approves bee killing pesticide; Bill Gates finances geoengineering project

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  • News Alerts: Week 31, 2019

    31 July 2019

    GcMAF witch hunt continues; Biotech bullies strongarm EU; Brazil’s pesticide regulations; CBD markets under attack; You really are what you eat!; NHS to offer DNA testing; 5G harms reported in Geneva

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  • ANH News Beat (week 11/2024)

    14 March 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. This week 1 billion people globally now obese; Food manufacturers seek alternative low-sugar options; gene editing deregulation; Menopause isn't a disease; Big Ag seeks immunity from lawsuits; ANH-USA updates, Covid news plus more...

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  • ANH News Beat (week 39/2023)

    27 September 2023

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more

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  • ANH News Beat (week 06/2024)

    07 February 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news from across the globe in one place. ANH-USA joins new Advocacy Alliance, Hungary muses lab-meat ban, Alzheimer's drug dropped by Big Pharma company, Covid News and updates from ANH-USA plus more...

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  • EU’s potential ban on PFAS mothballed?

    26 October 2023

    The European Commission’s work programme for 2024 is ominously light on the progression of promises to ban highly toxic and persistent PFAS chemicals.

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  • ANH News Beat (week 04/2024)

    25 January 2024

    Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more

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  • FEATURE: Biodiversity credits: profiting from nature’s last frontier

    15 November 2023

    Why biodiversity credits probably won’t remedy the sixth mass extinction.

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