ANH-Intl's strategic partner, ‘Yes to Life’, a UK-based integrative cancer care charity, has just published a 310 page handbook that is set to become the go-to guide for patients who've been diagnosed with cancer and wish to follow an integrative approach to its management and treatment. Yes to Life's mission is to “make integrative cancer care (combining the best of conventional and complementary approaches) readily available so more people have the best chance of reclaiming their health”. The new book takes the charity's mission to the next step and its novel layout and extensive use of illustrations and graphical icons sets new standards in accessibility and ease of use for patients with complicated health conditions.
Yes to Life has successfully combined the extensive experience of former oncology nurse, integrative cancer expert and Yes to Life medical advisor Patricia Peat with that of 37 expert contributors in ‘The Cancer Revolution’.
The information within the pages is rich and resourceful, but the content is delivered via an array of accessible, short, chapters peppered with clarifying icons, QR codes, tips and self-help exercises. It makes for an easy, no pressure, yet expert, read. We highly recommend it as a first stop for anyone given a cancer diagnosis, as well as for their family and carers. And that's not just because Robert Verkerk PhD, our executive and scientific director, has penned a chapter on environmental toxins, but because this book provides a wealth of information and support at a time when it’s most needed.
Yes to Life founder, Robin Daly, who lost his daughter to cancer in 2004, said the book, “Represents the fruition of a long-held dream to pull together the best information on the broadest range of approaches to cancer”.
Don’t take our word for it though, below is a small taster of what’s between the pages to whet your appetite.
‘The Cancer Revolution’ Page 17: Overview
What’s in the book?
Although the introduction and Part 1 are important for the reader to understand as a basis to the book, the rest of the content is designed to dip in and out of as necessary. A further overview is provided for each of a broad range of integrative options, with sources for further information given for each. Suggested reading plans are offered which are sensitive to the potential circumstances of the reader seeking support.
The book also includes useful self-help boxed texts — Science, Mythbusters, My Story, companion websites, QR codes, information about Integrative Medicine clinics and the bios of the 37 expert contributors. The book also covers further relevant information about the contributors’ work, scientific references, other relevant websites and further reading related to each chapter, along with an index and a glossary.
As Yes to Life's work is UK-based, the book is necessarily somewhat (but not entirely) UK-centric in terms of some of the contacts and resources mentioned, despite the experts coming from different corners of the world. Notwithstanding this obvious limitation, the book is still represents an invaluable guide for cancer patients seeking integrative approaches outside the UK.
‘The Cancer Revolution’ Page 52: Part One - Getting to Know the Territory
About the editor and contributor: Patricia Peat
While Patricia Peat was working on National Health Service (NHS) oncology wards, “she began to notice that many of those integrating arrange of other therapies into their regime were actually managing rather better than expected. She simultaneously became aware of their intense frustration at finding their doctors not only unable and unwilling to engage in constructive dialogue about their options, but unsupportive of their choices”.
“Passionate about encouraging the safe integration of complementary therapies with standard treatments, she has developed Cancer Options into a unique service at the forefront on integrative cancer care in the UK”.
“She has developed a deep understanding of the methods of many of the top practitioners and clinics in the world”
A selection of topics covered by Patricia Peat
Introduction ‘Integrative Medicine: A Revolution in Cancer Care’
‘Taking an Integrative Approach’
‘Who’s Who in Integrative Medicine’
‘Alternative Medical Systems’
‘Physical Activity’
‘Mind and Spirit Therapies’
‘What to Juice/What not to Juice’
‘Smoothies and Blenders’
‘Taking Supplements Alongside Orthodox Treatments’
‘Liposomal Vitamins’
‘Exercise, Oxygen and Hormones’
‘Exercising at Home or Locally’
‘Strategies for Getting more Vitamin D from Sunlight’
‘The Liver and Detoxification’
‘Detoxing at Home’
‘Long-term Detoxification Plans’
‘Frontier NHS Treatments’
‘What do I Tell my Oncologist?’
‘Testing: Vital Pointers to Success’
‘When Do You Need a Practitioner?’
Therapeutic Targets
‘Therapeutic Target icons’ appear throughout the book, which are “intended to highlight specific aims that could form the basis of an overall approach”. Including approaches within each of these important target areas in a cancer support/treatment program together form the total anti-cancer effect of an integrative approach. These therapeutic targets come under the broad headings of ‘detoxification’ (reducing the toxic burden), ‘pH balance’, ‘immune stimulation’, ‘anti-cancer’, ‘oxygenation’, ‘inflammation control’, ‘hormone control’, ‘improved absorption’ and ‘personal resilience’.
Examples of ‘The Cancer Revolution’ Therapeutic Target icons, that appear throughout the text, and their meanings
Inflammation control – increasingly, cancer and other chronic diseases are being seen to stem from chronic inflammation; controlling inflammation can determine progress of a cancer
Improved absorption – ensuring that you are absorbing all nutrients and supplements well, and that your gut has recovered from inflammatory effects of drug or radiotherapy treatment
Hormone control – many of the most common cancers in the West are driven by hormones, so survival can depend on the body being able to metabolise them safely
‘The Cancer Revolution’ Page 25: Nutrition introduction
The Cancer Revolution’s contributors include:
Dr Gary Deng on ‘The Future of Cancer Care’
Xandria Williams on ‘The Science behind Integrative Medicine’ and ‘The Dangers of Glucose’
Dr Andre Young-Snell on ‘Integration in Practice in the UK’
Dr John Moran on ‘The crucial Role of Hormones’
Lynda Brown on ‘How to Buy Good Food’
Diane Lambert on ‘Diet as the Foundation of Good Health’
Patricia Daly on ‘The Ketogenic Diet’
Prof Jane Plant on ‘The Problem with Dairy’
Jason Vale on ‘Juicing for Cancer’
Shazzie on ‘What is a Raw Food Diet’
Dr Bernard Willis on ‘Supplements and Natural Compounds’
Prof Robert Thomas on ‘The Benefits of Physical Activity after Diagnosis’
Dr Rosy Daniel on ‘Managing Stress’
Dr Damien Downing on ‘Sunshine and Vitamin D’
Robert Verkerk PhD on ‘Environmental Toxins’
Janey Lee Grace on ‘Toxins in the Home’
Dr Francisco Contreras on “Detoxifying Your Body’
Dr Bernard Willis on ‘Coffee Enemas’
Dr Henry Mannings on ‘Be Informed’
Robert H. Jacobs on ‘Functional Testing’
Dr Thomas Rau on ‘Paracelsus Klinik, Switzerland’
Dr Friedrich Douwes on ‘Klinik St Georg, Germany’
Prof Shimon Slavin on ‘International Centre for Cell Therapy and Cancer Immunotherapy (CTCI), Israel
Dr Marice Orange on ‘ITA Wegman Klinik, Switzerland’
Dr Francisco Contreras on ‘Oasis of Hope Hospital, Mexico’
Dr Maurice Orange on ‘Understanding Scans’
George Emsden on ‘Managing Your Finances when You Have Cancer’
‘The Cancer Revolution’ Page 101: Recipe examples
Where can I get a copy?
The handbook is available online from Normally priced at £19.99, it’s still available at the special introductory price of £15.99. All (and we do mean all!) the profits from sale of The Cancer Revolution go directly to the charity Yes to Life to help support more people diagnosed with cancer. You can also purchase a copy from
your voice counts
01 June 2016 at 8:35 pm
02 June 2016 at 6:03 pm
I tried to click on the link provided to order the book (3 nos) at the introductory price but was not successful - is it still available at that price?
03 June 2016 at 9:19 am
Thank you for your comment.
I have tried the link and it does seem to still be available on the website for that price. If you are still having trouble, try this link:
All the best,
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