Reports of young girls permanently damaged following administration of the HPV vaccine continue to be made. This is a vaccine where testing had not been completed prior to its release and that uses a new type of aluminium adjuvant. Despite increasing concerns from parents of children affected Governments and health authorities continue to make assurances of its safety.

Sacrificial Virgins - so named because the vaccine is often given to girls before they become sexually active – is a film in three parts written and narrated by Joan Shenton and directed by Andi Reiss.

"It is a medical scandal," asserts the film's writer and narrator, Joan Shenton. "The Human Papilloma Virus vaccine - or HPV vaccine - is in a class of its own when it comes to causing pain and suffering, and in Sacrificial Virgins we are asking why.

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Part one, Not for the Greater Good, lifts the veil on the claim that HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer as is claimed by its makers.

Part two, Pain and suffering, looks at what adverse reactions really mean and uncovers an appalling potential cause for them: replacing long established vaccine additives with new additives or new combinations of additives that have not undergone long-term safety trials.

Part three, A Penny for your Pain, describes how patients as far apart as Japan and Colombia are set to sue pharmaceutical giants Merck and GlaxoSmithKline for damages, following serious adverse reactions, with patient groups in the US, UK and Spain closely following the cases and Australian legal attention focused on prescribing doctors.

For more information on the HPV vaccine and its associated issues the following is a selection of some of our previous pieces (in reverse chronological order) on the HPV vaccine:

16/08/17 – HPV Vaccine: Information and choice, not intimidation

12/07/17 – HPV vaccine – the risk of uninformed consent?

18/01/17 – Its official: HPV vaccine, the most dangerous vaccine yet

07/09/16 – HPV vaccine propaganda

20/01/16 – HPV vaccine ‘cover-up’ allegations

16/12/15 – Grassroots pressure against HPV vaccine grows

04/11/15 – Swedish cover-up HPV vaccine side effects- and more

10/06/15 – ANH Feature: HPV vaccine: should you or shouldn’t you?