Happy New Year and all the best for 2018!
Just like you, we at ANH-Intl have been contemplating the year ahead, looking to set goals and direction to make 2018 even more productive than 2017. Part of this process is a review of past achievements and actions. We thought we'd kick off the year by sharing our view of ANH, what drives our passion and some of our recent defining achievements.
Below is ANH-Intl’s interactive ‘Tree of Life’ showing our 6 core activities, which breathe life into our key 'fruits' of focus and that drive our mission and vision in support of you and a healthier future.
Each of the numbered items in the different areas of focus, be that core (trunk, roots, leaves) or fruit, is linked to an article that we feel best illustrates what makes us tick as an independent, internationally-active, non-governmental organisation promoting natural and sustainable approaches to healthcare worldwide.
1: Could you be over-or under-dosing with vitamins or minerals?
2: ANH-Intl Special Report: Vitamin B6 - "It’s the Form, stupid!”
1: Tell EFSA to quit misleading the public on health claims
2: Last chance for the public to have its say in EU health claims reform
1: Towards healthcare sustainability - as delivered Down Under
2: International healthcare crisis think tank meets in London
1: UK General Election 2017: comparing horses
2: Health revolutionaries convene at Westminster
3: Brexit and natural health what next?
Social Justice
2: Health freedom is our right, vaccination should be our choice
3: Update: Fighting for a daughter’s life
1: ANH Feature: Seeing right through EFSA’s claims of transparency
2: Transparency 1-0 Schwabe. Success for ANH-Leaks
Health Freedom
1: EU e-commerce and freedom of choice campaign launch
2: ANH-Intl Summary: Key challenges to natural methods of healthcare in Europe
Freedom of Expression
1: Freedom of expression, fear and - health claims
2: Rob Verkerk and ANH receive excellence awards from top US law firm
1: Tell EFSA to quit misleading the public on health claims
2: Health claims veto campaign: Stage Two!
3: EU Natural Health Absurdities
4: Brexit industry panel: opportunity or threat to innovation?
1: MEP keeps vitamin petitions in European Parliament open
2: Time to topple government ‘healthy eating’ guidelines
1: Changing clinical practise through education
2: ANH-Intl Feature: The human dietary diversity crisis
3: ANH-Intl Feature: Fuel efficiency and the Food4Health Plate
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