
News Alerts: Week 26, 2020

26 June 2020

Alzheimer’s disease and lifestyle; CBD regulation & safety; UK – GM by the backdoor?; Paul McCartney joins calls for meat-free school meals; Lab grown breastmilk

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News Alerts: Week 25, 2020

17 June 2020

Nutrient deficiencies, immune health and covid; Unvax’d kids healthier than vax’d; Water fluoridation on trial; Sub-standard supplements on Amazon; US dietary guidance whistleblowers; Avoidable medication errors in UK

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News Alerts: Week 24, 2020

11 June 2020

Asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19 rare; Boris, Gates and vaccines; UK GPs withhold antibody tests; Covid crackdown on natural health; Gut health & Covid; Sixth mass extinction accelerating

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