
News Alerts: Week 22, 2020

28 May 2020

UK 5G legal challenge launched; German ecosystems devastated; Patenting animals & plants in the EU; The benefits of exercise; Spice up your life; Bayer settles lawsuits

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News Alerts: Week 21, 2020

21 May 2020

The trouble with testing; Social distancing in schools is #NotOK; Google antitrust case; Battle of the bulge; Healthy gut microbiome protective; Healthy gut, healthy brain;

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News Alerts: Week 20, 2020

14 May 2020

ASA attacks natural health again!; Big Tech is untrustworthy; Fresh air reduces coronavirus spread; Canadian smart community fails; EFSA pesticide studies bomb; Are lockdowns improving our diet?; Call to ban marketing claims on infant formula

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News Alerts: Week 19, 2020

07 May 2020

Healthcare fraud & Covid-19; AYUSH promotes research into natural covid remedies; Cycling boom; Statins & type 2 diabetes; NHS, vitamin D and BAME

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