
News Alerts: Week 10, 2020

04 March 2020

US scientists challenge saturated fat guidelines; Pharma’s influence over US politics; Cannabis as an antibiotic; US obesity rates hit 20-year high; EU MEPs support supplement use; WHO partners with AYUSH; Skyrocketing early-onset dementia in US

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News Alerts: Week 09, 2020

26 February 2020

Chronic disease biggest global killer; Dairy milk consumption linked to breast cancer; Functional fat in vessel walls; Mindfulness & meditation; FSAI recalls CBD products; BPA substitutes hazardous to health; Smartphone addiction; Gene-editing errors common

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News Alerts: Week 08, 2020

19 February 2020

Bayer’s woes multiply; Vitamin C & coronavirus; Internet watchdog funded by Big Pharma; Astaxanthin safety in EU; US diabetes rates in young people; How secure is your health data?

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News Alerts: Week 07, 2020

13 February 2020

Coronavirus, deadly or not?; Tofu worse than meat for environment; The new Get Well Show; ‘Dr Google’ - 1st for health advice; UK gov updates EMR guidelines; FDA calls for regulating gene-edited animals; Golden Rice viability; Lifestyle changes to beat cancer

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News Alerts: Week 06, 2020

05 February 2020

US government sued over EMR regulations; Pasta - a vegetable in the US; Sweeteners - not so sweet for babies; EPA declares glyphosate safe; AHA recommends diet & lifestyle changes to live healthier for longer

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