
News Alerts: Week 05, 2020

29 January 2020

Bayer pursues trial settlements; GM plants for ‘plant factories’; Baby food companies & breastfeeding in India; Industry influence on US dietary guidelines; Pharma funding of patient groups; Alzheimer’s & type 3 diabetes; Gut health news in brief

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News Alerts: Week 04, 2020

23 January 2020

Censored – Google & natural health; Flawed FDA drugs approval system; Parkinson’s Disease & the gut; Soybean oil & brain damage; Big Ag playbook revealed

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News Alerts: Week 03, 2020

15 January 2020

Live life longer & healthier; Austrian regulators chill out over CBD; Drugs & mental health; BPA exposure higher than thought; Is UK sugar tax a success? NHS brings in cholesterol big guns

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News Alerts: Week 02, 2020

08 January 2020

5G protest day; Golden rice approval; US obesity rates set to soar; Organic farming futureproofs soil; Roadmap to insect recovery; UK eating disorder hospital admissions rise; UK GP numbers crisis; Bayer/Monsanto calls in big guns

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News Alerts: Week 51, 2019

19 December 2019

Lyn Thyer returned to jail; Natural healthcare safe; CBD novel foods; Combat obesity with exercise advice; Ultra-processed foods & diabetes; GM by any other name; Europe urged to include agroecological systems; Antibiotic over-prescription

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