Search Results

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  • News Alerts: Week 49, 2017

    06 December 2017

    Bayer commits to rebuilding public trust, Lower sugar cereals, Saturated fat exonerated, NHS blacklists natural treatments, Unsafe Dengue vaccine suspended

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  • News Alerts: Week 12, 2018

    22 March 2018

    Bayer/Monsanto unholy alliance has the green light in Europe, South African Alliance challenges Govt regs, Miracle menopause drug not so miraculous, Glyphosate, pregnancy and EU approval and Non-vaccinated children pose ZERO risk!

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  • News Alerts: Week 20, 2019

    15 May 2019

    UK GP numbers fall; The statin lottery; Breast cancer, obesity & mammograms; Big Ag on the rocks?

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  • News Alerts: Week 35, 2017

    30 August 2017

    Columbian court says no to mandatory HPV Vaccine; EU probe into Bayer/Monsanto merger; Inflammation not cholesterol driving CVD Disease

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  • News Alerts: Week 42, 2017

    18 October 2017

    EU should block Bayer/Monsanto merger; Education not new processed foods; Government responds to petition on NHS homeopathy; ‘New’ Monsanto herbicide kills all before it;

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  • News Alerts: Week 39, 2020

    24 September 2020

    UK Coronavirus Act renewal; Belgian doctors open letter; Hancock says no to vitamin D; Challenge to Operation Moonshot; Low calorie v low carb for T2D remission; Poor transparency over covid vaccine trials; ‘Awe’ walks; Pick of the Week; In Brief

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  • News Alerts: Week 41, 2019

    09 October 2019

    Death of the cholesterol theory; Irish fight health tax; Cooking food changes microbiome; Microbial teamwork & gut health; Omega-3 & CVD; Hugging makes us happy; Pesticide safety

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  • News Alerts: Week 42, 2018

    18 October 2018

    Medical cannabis legalised in UK; What’s in your nail polish?; To supplement or not – with vitamin D; Monsanto fights back in cancer case; The ‘hot’ potato of GMO;

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  • News Alerts: Week 04, 2018

    25 January 2018

    Statins and children, Judicial review sought for homeopathic treatments, Germans may ban Glyphosate and More questions on HPV vaccine

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  • News Alerts: Week 43, 2018

    24 October 2018

    Monsanto verdict stands; Frankenstein crops; Eat organic, reduce cancer risk; Synthetic cannabis; Evidence against fluoridation mounts; TCM recognised by WHO

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