The Obesity Fix - the video
A week after our founder Rob Verkerk PhD released his 3,500 word piece on what's wrong with UK and other government policies on obesity, we've produced a 6 minute video version.
Rob produced some words, laid them down on an audio track, and Charlie in our team created the animation. Yes, it's a 100% in-house Alliance for Natural Health International Production!
We'll be releasing two videos, but you'll have to wait till next week for Part 2. Part 1 that we release today focuses on the problem, in other words what's gone wrong with our metabolism that's causing one-third or more of the adult population to become obese.
Check out 'The Obesity Fix - Part 1' below - and please share it as far and wide as you can!
Click here to view 'The (drug free) Obesity Fix part 2'
Leading UK health journalist Jerome Burne also added his own unique insights to Rob's article, and then abbreviated it, so you've got another, shorter, high impact, health journo-approved, text version to read and share. Check it out on his HealthInsightUK website.
Here's Jerome's intro:
"One of the challenges of writing about the long running trench warfare between the low fat and the low carb lobbies is finding anything new to say. For at least a decade the exchange has been along the lines of:
Low carbers: Low fat doesn’t work but still claim it’s evidence-based even though it really isn’t.
Low fattists; low carb is a fad diet with not enough good evidence to support it.
So, it is a delight when someone who really knows the area writes about it in a way that puts the war in a new light. Dr Rob Verkerk, the good natured but scientifically astute director of Alliance of Natural Health International ignores the routine exchange of references and sets out a primer for understanding the current obesity crisis and how best to handle it by using a motor car metaphor."
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your voice counts
15 March 2018 at 8:53 pm
This is a brilliant video. Clear, concise, expertly informative and very memorable. Thanks, once again, to Dr Rob Verkerk and to everyone at the Alliance for Natural Health International for providing such a useful contribution that can be so easily and effectively shared.
16 March 2018 at 2:51 pm
Dear Richard
Thank you for supporting us and please do share far and wide, we need to break this obesity cycle before it becomes too late.
With kind regards
16 March 2018 at 10:26 am
Share this video EVERYWHERE!!!
16 March 2018 at 2:52 pm
Yes Marie and thank you for supporting us too.
With kind regards
03 July 2018 at 11:53 am
This is great! Videos are a great way to communicate :-) can this be used and linked to articles that I write?
04 July 2018 at 9:57 am
Hi Niamh,
Yes, please do share far and wide just give us the appropriate tagging in social media.
Many thanks
Your voice counts
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